Chartered Town Planner Degree Apprenticeship

Level: 7 (Master’s degree apprenticeship)

Course duration: Typically 36-42 months (2 years practical training plus 1 year EPA)

Next start date: September 2025

Mode of delivery: Classroom study (1 day per week) with face-to face intensive block or Online weekly study with face-to-face intensive block


Combining an innovative and interdisciplinary taught programme with supported workplace learning and practical experience, this Degree Apprenticeship has been designed specifically to address the requirements of the Chartered Town Planner Apprenticeship standard.

On successful completion of the apprenticeship, a Master’s degree in Spatial Planning and full membership of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) will have been achieved.

UK Partnerships and Apprenticeships

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Who is it for?

This apprenticeship is ideal for public or private sector employers looking to recruit new planning staff, or to retain and invest in talented employees. It is open to individuals employed full-time in planning, and does not require previous study in any particular subject area.

Entry criteria and costs

The cost of the Apprenticeship for 2025/26 entry (drawn down from the monthly employer levy): £12,950 (subject to annual review)

Apprentices must be working in planning with workplace learning opportunities, holding either:

  • first or upper second-class honours degree (or equivalent) in any subject; or 
  • a lower second-class honours degree where relevant planning and development experience can be demonstrated. 

Applicants without a first degree, and demonstrating 3+ years planning experience, can also be considered (with prior agreement of Faculty) for progression onto the Apprenticeship by completing our Certificate in Spatial Planning Studies. Please Note: this programme is a standard qualification delivery, not fundable via the Levy.

As well as: 

  • be eligible to join the Apprenticeship scheme in England.

How to apply

We welcome employers and individuals to contact the Apprenticeships Team by completing the expression of interest form below. Once submitted, we will be in touch to outline your next steps and/or arrange a meeting with the Faculty.

Learning outcomes

  • MSc Spatial Planning awarded by Oxford Brookes
  • Chartered Town Planner status through full membership of the Royal Town Planning institute (RTPI)
  • Sophisticated practical and professional skills acquired through the combination of workplace learning and a theoretically informed but practice-focused taught programme
  • Specialist interdisciplinary expertise that complements the apprentice’s role in the workplace
  • The desire and ability to tackle the unprecedented challenges that our built and natural environments face in the coming decades, and to become positive drivers of change within their profession.

Teaching overview

Core learning is typically delivered over 2 - 2.5 years. Apprentices enrolled for the on-campus study mode will attend classes one day per week during semester, as well as participating in a three day intensive module mid-way through the apprenticeship. 

For apprentices enrolled on the open learning study mode, most teaching takes place remotely. Open learners access live teaching sessions one day per week during semester, via Zoom. They also have the option of attending classes in-person at their choosing. On-campus attendance in Oxford remains required for a three-day intensive module midway through the apprenticeship.

Learning progress will be monitored through regular meetings between the employer, apprentice and university staff.

Study modules

Compulsory modules:

  • Frameworks for Planning: Law, Policy and Professional Practice
  • Planning for Sustainable Futures: Environment, Health and Society
  • Place Making
  • Research Methods
  • Research Project
  • Planning Practice: Skills, Behaviours and Professional Development

Optional modules (apprentices must choose one of the following four options):

  • Contemporary Approaches to Urban Design
  • Effective and Proportionate Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Sustainable Development
  • Urban Regeneration and Historic Conservation

End Point Assessment

The End Point Assessment (EPA) brings together evidence demonstrating that apprentices have the competencies required to gain MRTPI status. Typically taken over 12 months, it consists of two distinct assessment methods supported by a reflective journal (minimum 4,500 words) undertaken in year 2 of the taught programme. 

The two assessment methods are:

  1. Professional Discussion with Independent Assessor - 50 minute discussion of the apprentice’s experience, reflective journal and competencies.
  2. Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) assignment - Written submission of 5,500 words (+/-10%) in which the apprentice must use case studies to demonstrate their experience and competencies.

Performance in each method will be graded separately by independent assessors, in accordance with the requirements detailed in the EPA assessment planBoth elements must be passed overall. Apprentices are required to pass Method 1 before they can submit their APC written assignment.

The Oxford Brookes experience

  • Housed in a multi-disciplinary Faculty that produces research across the full spectrum of built environment disciplines
  • Forms part of a highly regarded Planning School that has been offering planning courses for nearly sixty years
  • Taught by a multi-disciplinary team that that includes experienced practitioners and high-profile researchers
  • Focused on real-world issues and the key challenges that our built and natural environments face in the coming years
  • Takes a practical approach to planning education with a particular focus on developing the knowledge and skills that professional planners need to operate effectively in the workplace
  • Provides a rich and supportive learning environment as well as wide-ranging networking and professional development opportunities

  • Draws on the research strengths and interests of the core teaching team and the wider School of the Built Environment
  • Offers an interdisciplinary curriculum and the opportunity for an apprentice to develop specialist expertise that complements their role in the workplace