terms of address

  • People's names do not require ordinary titles such as 'Ms', 'Mrs', 'Miss' and 'Mr'.

List professional and honorary titles in the following order:

  • After a person’s name, list academic qualifications with first degrees first and in ascending order (BA, MA, MBA, DLitt, PhD)
  • Followed by memberships (FRSA, MCIPD, FCA, CEng, IEng, IMechE)
  • Church titles come first if there are others, eg Very Reverend Canon Doctor X
  • State honours come in order of importance in orders of chivalry (PC always comes first for Privy Councillors, then MP, OBE etc)
  • Academic titles come before the state honour, eg Professor Sir Liam Donaldson
  • However Dame Katherine Grainger PhD (with ‘Dame’ before the name and the Dr changing to a PhD after the name.)


  • Use 5.00pm not ‘5pm’ or ‘17.00’.
  • The only exception to the above is exam times when the 24-hour clock is used. This makes it compatible with Moodle and PIP.
  • Use 12 noon or 12 midnight (although 12.00am is always midnight and 12.00pm is always noon.)


Titles of publications, conferences, exhibitions, films, reports

  • Use italics with capital letters for each main word, eg
    The Lord of the Rings, Journal of Psychiatry, HESA Destination of Leavers 2016
  • Include ‘The’ within the style of the title only where it forms part of the title,eg
    The Times reviewed the piece but the Daily Telegraph didn’t.
    The Crossing Cultures, Crossing Times exhibition was well attended.

Titles of chapters, articles and sections, and project titles

Use single quotes and a capital letter for first word only, then all lower case and no italics, eg See the section in the report entitled ‘Student research stories’.

People's titles

See Terms of address above.

Telephone numbers

See phone numbers