
ISSN 2054-2070

Journal of the MSc Primate Conservation

Canopy is an in-house publication with contributions from staff, students and visiting speakers about their research. The aim of Canopy is to provide the wider primatology and conservation community with a representation of current and past works undertaken by MSc students and acts as a medium for communication between past and present students, those working in primatology, and those with a general interest in the topics covered in these issues.

Current issue

Volume 24, Issue 2, Spring 2024

Front cover of current issue

This is a special issue highlighting and celebrating women in the field of primatology, and the specific topics covered in this issue are:

  • Women in conservation: Menstruation in male-centric sites
  • The positive effect of experiments on chimpanzee play in a sanctuary environment
  • Discovering new groups of titi monkeys in Peru
  • Sleep patterns and factors influencing sleep of nocturnal and cathemeral lemurs
  • Assessment of the rehabilitation process’ success of a group of capuchins
  • Gibbon vocalisation and ethical wildlife volunteering
  • Pathogen identification in captive primates’ bones
  • Surveying cryptic nocturnal mammals with motion-activated camera traps in Central African Republic

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Past issues