The viva examination

For research students facing their viva in the near future or for those in the earlier stages of their studies.


Most students find the idea of the viva rather scary! This session is aimed at all those who will be facing their viva in the near future, but may also be helpful to research students at earlier stages in their studies, who are not sure what is involved.

This session clarifies what the University regulations say is required. It also demystifies the process by outlining what is going on behind the scenes, what the examiners are looking for and what procedures they are following. It also provides practical and useful advice about what you can do to make the process as painless and successful as possible.

Produced by Professor Susan Brooks, Director of Researcher Development.


This on-demand, pre-recorded training can be downloaded anytime from the Graduate College Research Student Training page in Moodle. Please note that you will need to be logged in to your Moodle account to access these files.

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