Research impact

This page is for Oxford Brookes University staff. Its purpose is to explain internal processes to staff members. It was moved into its current location on the website in Autumn 2022.

Page content is being revised to reflect the move to the new Research, Innovation and Enterprise Directorate.

Oxford Brookes University is committed to enhancing the impact of our research for the benefit of our communities, whether local, regional or global, including our staff and students.

We foster a culture where:

  • a diverse range of impacts, and the activities employed to achieve them, are considered an integral part of the research process, and;
  • our research community feels confident to realise the full potential of its research by developing the reach and significance of their work beyond academia.


Research impact team

What is research impact?

  • Academic impact: the demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to academic advances, across and within disciplines, including significant advances in understanding, methods, theory, application and academic practice.
  • Wider impact: an effect on, change to, or benefit for the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment, or quality of life, beyond academia.

For example, changes to awareness, attitude, understanding, behaviour, capacity, opportunity, policy or practice. 

As a result of their interaction with the research, through various knowledge exchange or engagement activities, the lives or activities of individuals, organisations, or communities will be positively influenced.