Why should I volunteer?

Oxford Brookes students choose to volunteer for many reasons.

Browse our Volunteers Portal

Volunteering is a rewarding experience

  • Have fun - Try something new and take a break from your studies.
  • Meet new people - Grow your network and connect with like-minded people from different backgrounds. It’s also a great way to make new friends.
  • Get to know your local community - Burst the University bubble and explore different areas in Oxford!
  • Make a difference - Connect with a cause you care about and make a positive impact.
  • Increase your skills and gain work experience - Many charities offer training and references which can help you on your career path. You could receive a certificate for your volunteering. Email volunteering@brookes.ac.uk for more information.
  • Boost your wellbeing - Supporting a cause you care about makes a real difference to confidence and happiness.

“Research shows that 80% of employers value volunteering.”

Hear from students who have volunteered

What do charities say

"Brookes students are some of the most caring and passionate individuals I have had the pleasure of working with. Without their continued support, PODTech would be unable to impact the amount of diverse clients and build digital capacity in the Oxfordshire community. The high level of skills a Brookes volunteer brings to our organisation is the reason these individuals are PODTechs first choice when it comes to identifying volunteers. Brookes continued support has enabled PODTech to reach more talented students at Brookes to increase digital capacity in our community.”

Simon Brooker, Director & Founder of PODTech

Volunteering and your CV

Volunteering enhances your employability! It is a fantastic way to develop skills and gain hands-on experience, whilst giving you great insight into the world of work. Moreover, volunteering is valuable work experience. It makes your CV sparkle and helps you stand out from the crowd in a competitive job market. By connecting with a charitable cause, you demonstrate motivation and initiative - as well as developing vital skills, like communication and problem solving.

Volunteering gives you the opportunity to:

  • Apply skills developed in your studies in a practical way
  • Build confidence
  • Explore different areas of work
  • Gain transferable skills that employers are looking for
  • Grow your CV
  • Discover new skills

Skills you can gain from volunteering:

  • Communication
  • Team working
  • Prioritisation
  • Organisation
  • Leadership
  • Commercial Awareness
  • Problem solving
  • and many more!

So why not get involved and give your CV a boost?

Sign up to one of our Volunteering: How to stand out from the crowd workshops and find out how to add your volunteering to your CV, application forms and how to talk about it during interviews.

Careers is here to help!

Careers can support you articulating your experience in CVs, applications and interviews.