Halls of Residence (OBUHSN-16)


This Health and Safety Notice should be read and understood by all employees of Oxford Brookes University who have a responsibility concerning any Hall of Residence. This Health and Safety Notice is also applicable to those employees of the University who are living in an Oxford Brookes University Hall of Residence. It should also be read and understood by any students living in a University Hall of Residence.

  • The primary function of the Halls of Residence is to accommodate students studying at Oxford Brookes University. During vacations Halls can be used to accommodate Summer Schools, conference and holiday visitors. A list of the Halls of Residence owned by Oxford Brookes University is detailed below.
  • This Health and Safety Notice does not supersede or replace the rules and regulations for students living in Halls of Residence as issued by Residential Services and/or Student Services. The purpose of this Health and Safety Notice is to reinforce those rules.

Health and Safety enquiries

Phone +44 (0) 1865 603060

Email healthandsafety@brookes.ac.uk


The Head of Residential Services is responsible for all aspects of health and safety within the Halls of Residence. This responsibility will normally be delegated to the Residences Manager/Site Leads appointed for each Hall.

Residences Managers/Site Leads have the responsibility for implementing and monitoring health and safety within their Hall of Residence. Additionally they will ensure appropriate training is provided to anyone appointed to a position of responsibility in the Hall. 

  • There will be a member of staff on-site in every hall at all times. That member of staff will usually be the Residences Manager/Site Lead during normal working hours (0800 – 1800hrs, Monday to Friday). Outside normal working hours the Residences Manager/Site Lead will designate the responsible person. These individuals will be responsible for the health and safety of anyone residing in or visiting the Hall.
  • Whenever anyone is in residence in the Hall, the hand-over between responsible staff will be formally recorded e.g. in a "log book", and only people as described in paragraph below may accept the responsibility.
  • Any person with on-site responsibility shall ensure that the residents follow Hall Regulations and in particular those concerned with their physical health and safety and with the booking in and out of visitors and residents. The responsible person shall possess the qualifications and resources listed below or shall have immediate access to a person with such qualifications/resources:
  • hold a current first aid certificate,
  • have access to an appropriately equipped first aid box,
  • be familiar with the evacuation procedure(s) for that Hall of Residence,
  • hold a current list of residents showing the residents' names and room numbers in the Hall,
  • know the contact procedures for any failure of gas, water, electric and fire alarm systems,
  • have constant access to a telephone on which emergency services can be called,
  • hold a current list of emergency telephone numbers. This will contain numbers for the public emergency services, University Officers and the Medical Centre if appropriate,
  • hold keys giving access to every room in the Hall, including stores, plant and boiler rooms.

Incident Management

In the event of a fire, serious accident, crime or other emergency in a Hall of Residence, the persons with on-site responsibility for health and safety will manage the situation in accordance with the Hall’s on-site incident management procedures.

  • If an incident as described above has involved a threat to the life of any person or serious damage to University property or relocation of the accommodation of any resident, one or more of the following officers of the University must be informed as soon as practicable:
  • Residences Manager/Site Lead
  • Accommodation Operations Manager
  • Head of Residential Services
  • Head of Student Central
  • Safety Manager.  

Following any incident, an entry will be made in the "Hall Log Book" as soon as possible also noting those officers who have been informed. This entry will be drawn to the attention of the Residences Manager/Site Lead or their deputy on the following day.

After dealing with the consequences of an incident causing or threatening death or any injury to someone in a Hall, the person with on-site responsibility for that Hall at the time is responsible for following the Accident Reporting procedures described in OBUHSN-11.

Health and Safety of Residents

During semester-time and at other times when the students of Oxford Brookes University are in residence then the Hall Manager or their nominee will:

  • carry out a daily inspection of the physical condition of all communal rooms, passageways, stairs, entrances and paths and report any defects to Estates and Campus Services making clear that these works are necessary for health and safety purposes.
  • make a monthly check on flats occupied by students to ensure that all shared areas are safe and that the residents are following the health and safety policy in particular with regard to hygiene and cleanliness and that doors, passageways and emergency exits are not obstructed. Fire-fighting equipment is to be in its designated location and serviceable. The check must also ensure that there are no hazardous substances, candles, incense sticks etc used or stored in the flats by residents. These health and safety checks are to be recorded.
  • at the end of each semester inspect every study bedroom. Study bedrooms can only be inspected after prior agreement with the student occupying the room.
  • hold a fire evacuation drill covering all areas of the Hall at the start of each academic year, or whenever the population of the hall changes by more than fifty percent. Records will be kept of the occurrence of fire drills. Any deficiency of equipment or procedures becoming apparent during such an evacuation drill should be reported as described in Emergency Procedures, OBUHSN-09.
  • ensure that Health & Safety Notices are displayed in appropriate areas of the Hall including a Fire Action Notice in each study bedroom.
  • ensure that notices and warnings issued from time to time by the Safety Team, or other competent authority, are brought to the notice of all residents and staff concerned.

Student Responsibilities

Students will abide by all of their Hall of Residence’s rules, regulations and safety procedures. Students will be held responsible for the conduct of their guests.


Smoking is not permitted in any study bedroom or other communal areas.

The use and charging of electronic cigarettes and or vaping devices is not permitted in any study bedroom or other communal areas.

Current List of Halls of Residence Owned by Oxford Brookes University

(As at July 2019)

  • Clive Booth Student Village
  • Crescent Hall
  • Harcourt Hill (Old Blocks)
  • Paul Kent Hall
  • Warneford Hall
  • Westminster Halls

 Issue 5 July 2019