- Lecture rooms
- Seminar rooms
- Laboratories
- Laboratory preparation rooms
- Administrative and secretarial offices (OBUHSN-31)
- Workshops
- Uniquely Faculty/Directorate areas
- Stores
- Food Stores
- Stationery Stores
- Equipment Stores
- Chemical and solvent Stores (OBUHSN-19)
- Waste Stores (OBUHSN-27)
- Food preparation areas
- Food preparation rooms
- Training food preparation rooms
- Non-training catering food preparation rooms.
- Personal food preparation rooms
- Staff or student coffee making facilities, 'gyp' rooms etc.
- Self-catering kitchens & kitchen diners (OBUHSN-16)
- Kitchens
- Training kitchens
- Non-training kitchens
- Washing up and sluicing areas
- Food outlets
- Dining rooms and refectories
- Licensed bars
- Coffee & snack bars
- Food vending machine areas
- Toilets
- Changing rooms
- Bathrooms
- Stairs and stairwells
- Lifts
- Foyers and waiting areas
- Corridors and passageways
- Staff rest rooms
- Other areas.
(Whilst every effort is made to include all appropriate spaces/areas, this list may not be comprehensive. Checks should be made to ascertain if there are any further amendments or additions)