1. Report all accidents involving the emergency services, i.e. resulting in the injured party being taken to hospital, immediately to the University health and safety team (healthandsafety@brookes.ac.uk). Then follow up by submitting or sending your completed 'Report of an Incident, Accident, Dangerous Occurrence or Near Miss Form' as soon as possible.
2. For all other accidents, complete the 'Report of an Incident, Accident, Dangerous Occurrence or Near Miss Form' to reach the health and safety team within 3 days. It is important to be prompt since it may be necessary for the health and safety team to:
- report the matter to the statutory enforcing authorities, under RIDDOR 2013
- initiate either formal or informal investigations/enquiries,
- record the details for legal and compensation cases.
3. Forms:
4. Inform your line manager or supervisor as soon as possible, they will then need to complete Part B (investigation) and send it to the health & safety team within 3 working days.
5. The health and safety notice "Accident, incident, dangerous occurrence and diseases reporting procedures and investigations, (OBUHSN-11)" will provide further information. It should be read and understood by all employees of Oxford Brookes University.