20. The Supervisor should apply for an Unpaid Affiliate status for the work experience person, 2 months before the work experience/shadowing period, via the HR Staff Request if IT access will be required for them. IT access is very unlikely to be needed for those who are work shadowing as they strictly must not do any work themselves.
21. The Supervisor should develop a programme of activity for the period which will include:
- allocating time to go through the induction form in Appendix C
- allocating time to go through health and safety as detailed in the induction form in Appendix C
- allocating time for the work experience person to do the Information Security Awareness Training on Moodle
- experience of different teams, different work, and appropriate meetings for example.
22. The Supervisor needs to develop a work experience/shadowing schedule detailing what activities the work experience/shadowing person will be involved in, a draft template is contained in Appendix D.
23. A month before the work experience/shadowing takes place the Supervisor should send to the Work Experience/Shadowing Person, the School and the Parents the following items (School and Parents is only if the person is still at School or of School age):
- The work experience/shadowing schedule (Appendix D)
- A map of the appropriate campus
- Details of where to meet the supervisor