Employability learning

What do we mean by Employability Learning?

Employability Learning is defined as, ‘a set of achievements – skills, understandings and personal attributes – that makes graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations, which benefits themselves, the workforce, the community and the economy’ (Kempster, online, n.d.).

Why is it important to our students?

Embedding opportunities to gain the skills referred to above is crucial for the student journey. Moreover, this is also important because fee paying students expect to be equipped with the employability skills, resilience and confidence to improve their long-term career prospects. How universities approach this may impact how candidates choose their courses.

What do I need to do?

Begin by responding to and reflecting on the student voice question set, which has been designed to help you identify both strengths and areas for development in Employability Learning in your programme or module.

Everyone teaching on a programme should be able to provide a detailed response to these questions that clearly articulates to students how the curriculum will support them in becoming a valued member of the Oxford Brookes learning community.

Engagement with the questions should prompt you to consider areas for development within your programme or module. Follow the Design Thinking process outlined on the How to use the model page and refer to the case studies and resources for examples and activities to support you in developing your practice.

OCAED thanks the Oxford Brookes Careers Service team for the content on this page.