At times agreed at the start of the academic year, you should also be provided with the following information about the assessment of the programme:
- draft assignments/examination papers for your comment and approval – there should be a system in place for considering and acting on feedback from the external examiner, and you are asked to comment on the effectiveness of this system in your annual report;
- representative samples of exam scripts/coursework/dissertations and/or other assessment types, reflecting the full range of grades and any different modes/locations of delivery - sample sizes should be agreed with programme team (there is no hard and fast rule, so please feel free to negotiate with programme teams) and the work should be accompanied by the appropriate assignment briefs, marking criteria, and an overview of module performance for the whole cohort.
Please return your comments on draft assessments and samples of student work to the programme team within the agreed timescale. There is a tight timescale in which marking and moderation needs to be completed, so that examination committees can be held, awards confirmed and certificates printed in time for the main graduation ceremonies held in June.
Many samples of assessed work can be provided electronically, through the VLE, but postage for returning any assignments provided in hard copy will be reimbursed through your expenses claims. Some forms of assessment are more difficult than others to sample (e.g. presentations, performances, etc) and, if appropriate, you should discuss how the sampling process should work with the Programme Lead or relevant module leader. You may agree with the Programme Lead that you will receive assessed work at appropriate times throughout the year, other than at the time of the final examination committee.