
Thank you to Mrs Knapp and the reception and year 5 pupils of Windmill Primary School for taking up the challenge to become Superpillars! Thank you also to Psyona Williams of Psy Fly for photography

Pupils making masks in a classroom
Pupil wearing a colourful mask
Pupil colouring in mask
Pupil wearing a green mask
Pupil colouring in a mask
Pupils in a classroom creating a mask
Pupil colouring in a mask
Pupil colouring in a mask with felt tips
Six smiling pupils standing and sitting at a desk
Two pupils sat at a desk creating masks
Pupil sat at a desk creating a colourful mask
Pupil trying on a mask
Pupil happy with her mask
Two ladies dancing
A fiery mask on a desk
Two pupils sat at a desk wearing masks
A full classroom of pupils creating masks
Smiling dancers
Dancers being interviewed
Pupil being interviewed near the football field
Pupil happy with her new mask
Pupil happy with his mask
Pupil being interviewed on the school field
Smiling pupil
Children sat on floor watching video on tv
Children sat on floor watching video on tv
Children sat on floor listening
Smiling children sat on floor
Children dancing
Children dancing
Instructors dancing
Instructor dancing
Instructor kicking
Instructor kicking high
Children dancing
Children dancing
Children dancing
Children dancing
Children dancing
Children dancing
Instructors posing
Instructors kicking
Children in the playground
Children in the playground
Children sat listening to a story
Children sat listening to a story
Paper caterpillar on wall
Paper caterpillar on wall
Children playing in the playground
Instructors in the playground
Instructors and children in the playground
Instructors dancing in the playground
Instructors dancing in the playground
Instructors dancing in the playground
Pupils dancing in the playground
Pupils dancing in the playground
Pupils and instructors dancing in the playground
Pupils dancing in the playground
Pupils dancing in the playground
Pupils dancing in the playground
Pupils dancing in the playground
Pupils dancing in the playground
Pupils dancing in the playground
Children having pictures taken
Instructors dancing in the playground
Instructors dancing in the playground