HEE / NIHR internships

This internship programme, aimed at Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals, provides an introduction to health research.

The Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire region and Frimley ICS ICAP internship is delivered through the Oxford Institute of Applied Health Research (OxInAHR), Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at Oxford Brookes University.

Programme details

This programme provides an introduction to a range of concepts and approaches relating to applied health research aimed at supporting Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals (NMAHPs) interns to:

  • apply for an NIHR Pre-doctoral Clinical Academic Fellowship (PCAF)
  • apply for an NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship (CDRF)
  • work within a research team that will submit a proposal for funding.

The programme includes the following:

  • 100 hours of salary backfill per intern to release the interns from their employing NHS Trust (The intern is required to negotiate the 100 hours of “release time” with their clinical line manage)
  • Personal support from an academic supervisor
  • Enrolment in an existing postgraduate research-related module
  • Directed reading and support
  • Integration into a dedicated, vibrant research active community
  • Access to online resources, virtual learning platforms and library facilities.

How to apply

For further details or an application pack, please contact: zdavey@brookes.ac.uk