Our equipment

Light Microscopy

Zeiss LSM800 confocal with Airyscan

Zeiss LSM800 confocal with Airyscan

Zeiss Upright confocal microscope with temperature controlled stage for live cell imaging. Allows high resolution 3D and super-resolution imaging with Airyscan technology.

Zeiss LSM880 confocal with Airyscan

Zeiss LSM880 confocal with Airyscan

Zeiss Inverted confocal microscope with temperature and CO2 controlled stage, for live cell imaging. Allows high resolution 3D and super-resolution imaging with Airyscan technology. Also equipped with Airyscan fast for greater super-resolution frame-rate.

Zeiss Axioplan

Zeiss Axioplan

Zeiss Axioplan fluorescence microscope equipped for DIC imaging and fluorescence imaging with DAPI, GFP and RFP filters. Equipped with low-magnification lenses for imaging of large scale tissue. Can be fitted with monochrome or colour camera.

Zeiss AxioImager Widefield

Zeiss AxioImager Widefield

Zeiss upright widefield fluorescence microscope. Equipped with Orca Flsh4.0 CMOS camera for high speed and sensitivity imaging. Can perform fluorescence imaging with DAPI, GFP, YFP, DsRed and CY5 filters.

Zeiss AxioZoom V16

Zeiss AxioZoom V16

Zeiss AxioZoom V16 stereoscope equipped with a number of lenses and a motorised stage. Allows fluorescence imaging with DAPI, GFP and RFP filters. Equipped with monochrome and colour cameras.

Leica MZFLIII stereomicroscope

Leica MZFLIII stereomicroscope

Leica MZFIII stereomicroscope equipped with fluorescence and filters for CFP, GFP, YFP and RFP. Allows imaging of large samples such as screening of transgenic organisms. Can be fitted with monochrome or colour camera.

Electron Microscopy

Electron Microsopes

Zeiss Merlin VP compact with Gatan 3View2XP

Zeiss Merlin VP compact with Gatan 3View2XP

Zeiss Merlin compact VP with Gemini column. Field emission scanning electron microscope. Fitted with Gatan 3View system for serial block face scanning electron microscopy.

Jeol JEM-1400Flash

Jeol JEM-1400Flash

Jeol JEM-1400Flash transmission electron microscope, with a Gatan OneView 16 Megapixel camera. Reaches an accelerating voltage of up to 120kV, for normal TEM imaging and electron tomography (using SerialEM).

Hitachi S-3400N

Hitachi S-3400N

Hitachi S-3400N scanning electron microscope. Variable pressure mode is available.

Specimen preparation equipment

RMC Powertome PTPC and MT990 microtome

RMC Powertome PTPC and MT990 microtome

RMC Powertomes are available for producing ultrathin sections for TEM. Cryoultramicrotomy is also possible. The MT990 is available for histological sections. RMC knifemaker is used for glass knife making and is also situated in the microtomy suite.

Baltec HMP 010 high pressure freezer

Baltec HMP 010 high pressure freezer

The HPM 010 high pressure freezer is available for rapid freezing of biological samples.

RMC FS-8500

RMC FS-8500

The FS-8500 system is available for freeze substitution of frozen samples.

Tousimis 931.GL Critical Point Dryer

Tousimis 931.GL Critical Point Dryer

An automated critical point dryer for easy SEM specimen preparation.

Agar scientific carbon coater

Agar scientific carbon coater

Carbon coater unit with plasma cleaning and glow discharge.

Agar scientific sputter coater

Agar scientific sputter coater

Gold sputter coating for routine SEM sample preparation.

How to book

If you already have access to Oxford Brookes Centre for Bioimaging, you can use our booking system to book equipment. You will need your Calpendo login and password.

If you do not have access via Calpendo, or have a general enquiry, please contact Alan Marron at amarron@brookes.ac.uk.