16. Progression

i. The Examinations Committee may require a student to withdraw who does not pass at least three module credits in any two successive semesters of study.

ii. When reporting to Student Finance England or similar sponsor whether a student's progress is satisfactory, the following criteria will be used.

  • 1. Each award has a normal length of full-time study as follows: 

CertHE 1 year
DipHE 2 or 3 years*
Degree & Honours Degree 3 or 4 years*
Integrated Master's 4 or 5 years*

* The awards requiring the longer period are those with a year's placement. The normal full-time length for courses with a Foundation Stage is one year in addition to the above.

  • 2. In order to complete satisfactorily a year of full-time study, a student:\

    a. must either pass at least 6 module credits during the year, or, if on placement, complete specific requirements set for the placement;

    b. must by the end of the year normally be in a position to proceed with a programme which, if passed, would satisfy the requirements for an award within the remaining period of normal full-time study for that award. Such a programme should not normally require more than 10 modules to be passed during any full-time year and normal prerequisite requirements should be met.(but see Regulations 16 (vi)).
  • 3. The year is presumed to start from the point at which the Student Finance England award commenced or, if previously suspended under regulations i and/or ii above, was re-instated.

iii. A student may be required to withdraw from a level 5 or level 6 honours module that has level 4 prerequisite modules if she/he did not pass these modules.

iv. A student who has failed to satisfy a specific subject requirement which is normally taken during a particular semester or stage of the course, may be required by the Examination Committee to satisfy that requirement before proceeding in this subject.

v. A student who has not satisfactorily completed, after taking twice, a module which is a specific subject requirement may be required to withdraw from the course. This includes mandatory activities that are specific requirements of professional programmes.

vi. No practice based module may be failed more than once and a student may not fail more than one such module. A student who does so will be required to withdraw from the course.

vii. Any module once passed cannot be retaken except when it has been awarded grade DR or ZR.