4.5 Student conduct

All members of the University community are expected to behave in a way that respects the values of the University, the staff and students of the University, the local community, and the academic discipline. 

4.5.1 Academic conduct

The University has an obligation to protect the standards of UK higher education awards. Assessments are in place to ensure that credit and qualifications are only awarded to students who demonstrate that they have met the learning outcomes for their programme of study. It is therefore essential that an individual student’s contribution to any assessment is their own work. It is not acceptable, and will be considered a breach of the conduct regulations for any individual - either intentionally or through neglect - to submit, or attempt to submit, work that is not their own.

In order to maintain academic standards the University routinely uses text matching software (Turnitin) to compare student work against continuously up-dated databases (including web-pages and existing student work). The purpose of using text-matching software is primarily to support students in developing good academic practice, but is also used to check students' work for any improper use of sources, and may be used in investigations into alleged cases of plagiarism. Programme handbooks and module guides will give details of where submission via Turnitin is mandatory, and where it is used formatively, in accordance with the Turnitin policy.

Rules are also in place to ensure academic integrity in examinations and class tests - see the Examination and Class Test Rules managed by the Examinations Team.

Research students must comply with the requirements set out in the Code of Practice for Academic Integrity when conducting research within, or on behalf of, the University. In addition they should be aware of the ethical and legal requirements which regulate their projects. and must follow the guidance in the Code of Practice setting out Ethical Standards for Research involving Human Participants. All students enrolled on a research degree programme will be required to submit a piece of work - as appropriate for the discipline and the stage of their programme - through Turnitin at specified milestones, including the annual monitoring process. Turnitin submissions may be required at other stages, as indicated in the Programme Handbook.

The University provides a range of support for students to help them reach their potential in assessments, including guidance on academic integrity.

4.5.2 General conduct

In line with the Oxford Brookes guiding principles, all members of the University community are expected to:

The University expects all of its members to treat each other respectfully, behaving considerately within the University, online, in their accommodation, and in the community in which they study, work and live; and not to compromise the safety, security and wellbeing of others. The University reserves the right to take reasonable and appropriate action against any staff members or students considered not to have met these general conduct expectations, and who compromise the University’s ability to provide a safe and secure environment.

Procedures have been put in place to provide a framework for considering cases of alleged breaches of expectations in respect of academic or general conduct. Any breach of the conduct regulations may result in a referral to the fitness to practise or support to study procedures (see above), and vice versa. The student conduct policies and procedures are managed by the Student Investigation and Resolution Team