6.7 Marks and grades - taught programmes

Modules at levels 4-6

The following grades, and associated grade points, apply to the assessment of modules at levels 4-6:

Percentage Range* Grade* Grade Point** Pass / Fail
75-100 A+ 4.5 Pass
70-74 A 4.0
65-69 B+ 3.5
60-64 B 3.0
55-59 C+ 2.5
50-54 C 2.0
45-49 D+ 1.5
40-44 D 1.0
0-39 F 0 Fail

*A similar percentage and grade scale will be applied to level 3 modules (i.e. in the foundation year of a four-year Bachelor’s degree), but these foundation year grades will not contribute to the overall GPA.

**Please note that the GPA scheme does not apply to Foundation degrees.

Modules at level 7

The following grades, and associated grade points, apply to modules at level 7:

Percentage Range Grade* Pass / Fail
75-100 A+ Pass
70-74 A
65-69 B+
60-64 B
55-59 C+
50-54 C
0-49 F Fail

*assigned to modules on Integrated Master’s degrees

The GPA scheme does not apply to Master’s degrees.