Professor Vincent Nijman

Professor in Anthropology

School of Law and Social Sciences

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

I have taught for five years on an MSc course in Animal Behaviour at the University of Amsterdam and I am currently module leader for four modules for the MSc in Primate Conservation (Department of Social Sciences) and the MSc in International Conservation (Department of Biological and Medical Sciences).

Modules taught


  • P10203 International Legislation, Humans and Wildlife
  • P20101 Primate Diversity and Conservation
  • P20104 Population Genetics and Management
  • P20107 Final project

Research Students

Name Thesis title Completed
Leah Fitzpatrick Evolution and conservation of venomous primates, the slow and pygmy lorises of South East Asia (Nycticebus sp. and Xanthonycticebus sp.) Active
Emma Hankinson Megafauna Extinction on our watch: Conserving Sumatra’s last remaining elephant populations and their tropical forests Active
Sophie Manson Quantifying the ecosystem services provided by vertebrates within an agroforest environment in Java, Indonesia Active
Thais Morcatty A multilateral approach to tackling wildlife trade in South America: people, ecology and conservation Supervisors Active
Sam Hyde Roberts Behavioural ecology, adaptation and conservation of the Anosy mouse lemur (Microcebus tanosi) in the littoral forests of Sainte Luce, southeastern Madagascar Active
Angelina Wilson Primate Factoids: Efficacy of visual literature in teaching young children about ecology and conservation 2024
Dr Lucy Vigne The rhino horn and ivory trade: 1980–2020 2021
Dr Penthai Siriwat ‘Wildlife Trade in the Digital Age: The role of the Internet in monitoring the trade in wild plants and animals in Thailand 2020
Dr Miguel de Guinea Luengo Navigating in Rainforests: Movement patterns in a neotropical primate the Black Howler Monkey. 2020
Dr Jaima Smith An examination and assessment of current conservation practices for Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch) in West Java, Indonesia 2019
Dr Daniel Bergin Wildlife Trade in Morocco: Conservation, Laws and Welfare 2019
Dr Marco Campera Ecological flexibilty and conservation of Fleurette's sportive lemur, Lepilemur fleureatae, in the lowland rainforest of Ampasy, Tsitongambarika Protected Area 2018
Dr Stephanie Poindexter Navigating the Night: Spatial Cognition. Locomotor and ranging behaviour in Nycticebus species 2018


My research programme focuses on assessing the impact of human-induced disturbances (logging, fire, fragmentation, wildlife trade) on vertebrates, with primates as one of the model groups. I am furthermore interested in biogeography, hotspot analysis and conservation area selection, and phylogeny and DNA-barcoding.

Centres and institutes



  • Sustainable non-timber forest products production and consumption in Indonesia


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Further details


  • PhD – Primate Conservation, University of Amsterdam
  • MSc – Behavioural Ecology, Manchester Metropolitan University
  • MSc – Ecology, Evolutionary and Environmental Biology, University of Amsterdam
  • BSc – Biology, University of Amsterdam