Dr Michela Balestri
Associate Lecturer
School of Law and Social Sciences

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I did my BSc and MSc in "Conservation Biology and evolution" in Italy at the University of Pisa. I gained my PhD in 2018 in "Primate Conservation" at "Oxford Brookes University" (OBU).
After my PhD, in 2019, I worked as field station coordinator for the NGO "Little Fireface Project" led by Prof Anna Nekaris, where I developed a conservation education project on the importance of the presence of wildlife in coffee plantations.
Teaching and supervision
- Anthropology (BA (Hons), BSc (Hons))
- Primate Conservation (MSc, PGDip, PGCert)
- Primatology and Conservation (MRes, PGCert)
Modules taught
- Conservation Education
- Primate Conservation
- Methods and Analysis in Biological Anthropology
My main research area has been in the ecology and behaviour of a nocturnal lemur species (Avahi meridionalis) in South-Eastern Madagascar and in conservation education, both in South-Eastern Madagascar and West-Java, Indonesia.
- Wildlife Friendly Coffee
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Journal articles
Nekaris KAI, Balestri M, Hedger K, Campera M, Adinda E, Ahmad N, Imron MA, Manson S, Saepurohman F, Nijman V, Interactions between Javan slow lorises (Nycticebus javanicus) and domestic and wild carnivores in an anthropogenic landscape in Java, Indonesia
Folia Primatologica [online first] (2024) ISSN: 0015-5713 eISSN: 1421-9980 Interactions between Javan slow lorises (Nycticebus javanicus) and domestic and wild carnivores in an anthropogenic landscape in Java, Indonesia Open Access version on RADAR -
Abdullah A, Ardiansyah A, Balestri M, Campera M, Chavez J, Dewi T, Fourage A, Hankinson EL, Hedger K, Leupen B, Manson S, Morcatty TQ, Nekaris KAI, Nijman V, Pereyra PER, Sintya E, Svensson MS, Xie M, Parrot Trade and the Potential Risk of Psittacosis as a Zoonotic Disease in Indonesian Bird Markets
Birds 5 (1) (2024) pp.137-154 ISSN: 2673-6004 eISSN: 2673-6004 -
Balestri M, Campera M, Budiadi B, Imron MA, Nekaris KAI, Active Learning Increases Knowledge and Understanding of Wildlife Friendly Farming in Middle School Students in Java, Indonesia
Knowledge 3 (3) (2023) pp.401-413 ISSN: 2673-9585 eISSN: 2673-9585 Active Learning Increases Knowledge and Understanding of Wildlife Friendly Farming in Middle School Students in Java, Indonesia Open Access version on RADAR -
Campera M, Balestri M, Phelps M, Besnard F, Mauguiere J, Rakotoarimanana F, Nijman V, Nekaris KAI, Donati G, Depth of Edge Influence in a Madagascar Lowland Rainforest and Its Effects on Lemurs’ Abundance
Land 12 (1) (2022) ISSN: 2073-445X eISSN: 2073-445X Depth of Edge Influence in a Madagascar Lowland Rainforest and Its Effects on Lemurs’ Abundance Open Access version on RADAR -
Eppley TM, Hoeks, S, Chapman CA, Ganzhorn, JU, Hall K, Owen MA, Adams DB, Allgas N, Amato KR, Andriamahaihavana M, Aristizabal JF, Baden AL, Balestri M, Barnett AA, Bicca-Marques JC, Bowler M, Boyle SA, Brown M, Caillaud D, Calegaro-Marques C, Campbell CJ, Campera M, Campos FA, Cardoso TS, Carretero-Pinzon X, Champion J, Chaves OM, Chen-Kraus C, Colquhoun IC, Dean B, Dubrueil C, Ellis KM, Erhart EM, Evans KJE, Fedigan LM, Felton AM, Ferreira RG, Fitchel C, Fonseca ML, Fontes IP, Fortes VB, Fumian I, Gibson D, Guzzo GB, Hartwell KS, Heymann EW, Hilario RR, Holmes SM, Irwin MT, Johnson SE, Kappeler PM, Kelley EA, King T, Knogge T, Koch F, Kowalewski MM, Lange LR, Lauterbur ME, Louis Jr. EE, Lutz MC, Martinez J, Melin AD, de Melo FR, Mihaminekena TH, Mogilewsky MS, Moreira LS, Moura LA, Muhle CB, Nagy-Reis MB, Norconk MA, Notman H, O'Mara MT, Ostner J, Patel ER, Pavelka MSM, Pinacho-Guendulain B, Porter LM, Pozo-Montuy G, Raboy BE, Rahalinarivo V, Raharinoro NA, Rakotomalala Z, Ramos-Fernandez G, Rasamisoa DC, Ratsimbazafy J, Ravaloharimanitra M, Razafindramanana J, Razanaparany TP, Righini N, Robson NM, da Rosa Goncalves J, Sanamo J, Santacruz N, Sato H, Sauther ML, Scarry CJ, Serio-Silva JC, Shanee S, de Souza Lins PGA, Smith AC, Smith Aguilar SE, Souza-Alves JP, Stavis VK, Steffens KJE, Stone AI, Strier KB, Suarez SA, Talebi M, Tecot SR, Tujague MP, Valenta K, Van Belle S, Vasey N, Wallace RB, Welch G, Wright PC, Donati G, Santini L, Factors influencing terrestriality in primates of the Americas and Madagascar
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (42) (2022) ISSN: 0027-8424 eISSN: 1091-6490 Factors influencing terrestriality in primates of the Americas and Madagascar Open Access version on RADAR -
Nekaris KAI, Balestri M, El Bizri HR, Dewi T, Hedger K, Morcatty TQ, Nijman V, Weldon AV, Campera M, From International to Local: Promoting Local Volunteer Tourism to Guarantee the Persistence of Wildlife Conservation Projects in the Post-COVID-19 Era
COVID 2 (9) (2022) pp.1287-1302 ISSN: 2673-8112 eISSN: 2673-8112 From International to Local: Promoting Local Volunteer Tourism to Guarantee the Persistence of Wildlife Conservation Projects in the Post-COVID-19 Era Open Access version on RADAR -
Campera M, Balestri M, Stewart AN, Nekaris KAI, Influence of Moon Luminosity, Seasonality, Sex and Weather Conditions on the Activity Levels of the Nocturnal Javan Slow Loris
Ecologies 3 (3) (2022) pp.257-266 eISSN: 2673-4133 Influence of Moon Luminosity, Seasonality, Sex and Weather Conditions on the Activity Levels of the Nocturnal Javan Slow Loris Open Access version on RADAR -
Balestri M, Campera M, Beaman E, Bell D, Pink R, Nekaris KAI, Let’s get virtual! Reinventing a science festival during a pandemic: limitations and insights
International Journal of Science Education, Part B: Communication and Public Engagement 12 (3) (2022) pp.193-202 ISSN: 2154-8455 eISSN: 2154-8463 Let’s get virtual! Reinventing a science festival during a pandemic: limitations and insights Open Access version on RADAR -
Manson S, Nekaris KAI, Hedger K, Balestri M, Ahmad N, Adinda E, Budiadi B, Imron MA, Nijman V, Campera M, Flower Visitation Time and Number of Visitor Species Are Reduced by the Use of Agrochemicals in Coffee Home Gardens
Agronomy 12 (2) (2022) eISSN: 2073-4395 Flower Visitation Time and Number of Visitor Species Are Reduced by the Use of Agrochemicals in Coffee Home Gardens Open Access version on RADAR -
Nekaris KA-I, Campera M, Chimienti M, Murray C, Balestri M, Showell Z, Training in the Dark: Using Target Training for Non-Invasive Application and Validation of Accelerometer Devices for an Endangered Primate (Nycticebus bengalensis)
Animals 12 (4) (2022) ISSN: 2076-2615 eISSN: 2076-2615 Training in the Dark: Using Target Training for Non-Invasive Application and Validation of Accelerometer Devices for an Endangered Primate (Nycticebus bengalensis) Open Access version on RADAR -
Campera M, Hedger K, Birot H, Manson S, Balestri M, Budiadi B, Imron MA, Nijman V, Nekaris KAI, Does the Presence of Shade Trees and Distance to the Forest Affect Detection Rates of Terrestrial Vertebrates in Coffee Home Gardens?
Sustainability 13 (15) (2021) ISSN: 2071-1050 eISSN: 2071-1050 Does the Presence of Shade Trees and Distance to the Forest Affect Detection Rates of Terrestrial Vertebrates in Coffee Home Gardens? Open Access version on RADAR -
Campera M, Balestri M, Besnard F, Phelps M, Rakotoarimanana F, Nijman V, Nekaris KAI, Ganzhorn JU, Donati G
, The Influence of Seasonal Availability of Young Leaves on Dietary Niche Separation in Two Ecologically Similar Folivorous Lemurs
Folia Primatologica 92 (3) (2021) pp.139-150 ISSN: 0015-5713 eISSN: 1421-9980 The Influence of Seasonal Availability of Young Leaves on Dietary Niche Separation in Two Ecologically Similar Folivorous Lemurs Open Access version on RADAR -
Campera M, Balestri M, Manson M, Hedger K, Ahmad N, Nijman V, Budiadi B, Imron MA, Nekaris KAI, Shade trees and agrochemical use affect butterfly assemblages in coffee home gardens
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 319 (2021) ISSN: 0167-8809 Shade trees and agrochemical use affect butterfly assemblages in coffee home gardens Open Access version on RADAR -
Nijman V, Campera M, Ardiansyah A, Balestri M, Bizri HRE, Budiadi B, Dewi T, Hedger K, Hendrik R, Imron MA, Langgeng A, Morcatty TQ, Weldon AV, Nekaris KAI, Large-Scale Trade in a Songbird That Is Extinct in the Wild
Diversity 13 (6) (2021) ISSN: 1424-2818 eISSN: 1424-2818 Large-Scale Trade in a Songbird That Is Extinct in the Wild Open Access version on RADAR -
Campera M, Budiadi B, Adinda E, Ahmad N, Balestri M, Hedger K, Imron MA, Manson S, Nijman V, Nekaris K, Fostering a Wildlife-Friendly Program for Sustainable Coffee Farming: The Case of Small-Holder Farmers in Indonesia
Land 10 (2) (2021) ISSN: 2073-445X eISSN: 2073-445X Fostering a Wildlife-Friendly Program for Sustainable Coffee Farming: The Case of Small-Holder Farmers in Indonesia Open Access version on RADAR -
Campera M, Santini L, Balestri M, Nekaris KAI, Donati G, Elevation gradients of lemur abundance emphasise the importance of Madagascar’s lowland rainforest for the conservation of endemic taxa
Mammal Review 50 (1) (2020) pp.25-37 ISSN: 0305-1838 Elevation gradients of lemur abundance emphasise the importance of Madagascar’s lowland rainforest for the conservation of endemic taxa Open Access version on RADAR -
Campera M, Balestri M, Chimienti M, Nijman V, Nekaris KAI, Donati G, Temporal niche separation between the two ecologically similar nocturnal primates Avahi meridionalis and Lepilemur fleuretae
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73 (2019) ISSN: 0340-5443 eISSN: 1432-0762 Temporal niche separation between the two ecologically similar nocturnal primates Avahi meridionalis and Lepilemur fleuretae Open Access version on RADAR -
Campera M, Phelps M, Besnard F, Balestri M, Eppley TM, Nijman V, Donati G, Does forest management and researchers’ presence reduce hunting and forest exploitation by local communities in Tsitongambarika, south-east Madagascar?
Oryx: The International Journal of Conservation 53 (4) (2017) pp.677-686 ISSN: 0030-6053 eISSN: 1365-3008 Does forest management and researchers’ presence reduce hunting and forest exploitation by local communities in Tsitongambarika, south-east Madagascar? Open Access version on RADAR -
Balestri M, Campera M, Nekaris KAI, Donati G, Assessment of long-term retention of environmental education lessons given to teachers in rural areas of Madagascar
Applied Environmental Education and Communication 16 (4) (2017) pp.298-311 ISSN: 1533-015X eISSN: 1533-0389 Assessment of long-term retention of environmental education lessons given to teachers in rural areas of Madagascar Open Access version on RADAR