Dr George Blumberg

DPhil, SM, BS Engineering, Senior fellow

Senior Lecturer in Built Environment

School of the Built Environment


Teaching in both undergraduate and graduate courses in the built environment.  


  • Doctor of Philosophy (University of Oxford), 
  • Masters of Science (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 
  • Bachelor of Science Engineering (George Washington University)
  • Senior Fellow (Higher Education Academy)

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

  • Undergraduate construction management course: Integrative projects (1st year module) based on live projects and a field trip.  
  • Innovation in Management and Technology (4th year model). 
  • Graduate module for the Project Management in the Built Environment course: Project Planning, Control and Risk. 


Extensive postgraduate supervision of 50+ MSc dissertations.  


Research is currently focused on the components necessary to fulfil the Smart City concept, where infrastructure is built from the data up.  Earlier research is in the impact and statistics of the heat extremes in the light of a changing global climate.  




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Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies

  • Constructing Excellence, Oxford Branch, former Chaiman and Membership Secretary.  
  • Senior Fellow, Advance HE (Higher Education Adademy)