Dr Alfred Veldhuis

BSc. MSc. PhD.

Senior Lecturer in Public Health

School of Psychology, Social Work and Public Health


Alfred completed his BSc in cognitive psychology in 2009 from the University of Utrecht, including an exchange program with Kyoto University in 2006-2007. Alfred then successfully applied to the prestigious master program of neuroscience and cognition of University Utrecht and received his MSc in 2012. Alfred started his PhD in 2014, funded by the Nigel Groome / Oxford Brookes University studentship, which he successfully completed in 2019.

During his PhD, Alfred started work as a psychology demonstrator where he taught on a variety of courses on psychology but mainly statistics and neurophysiological measures. Since completing his PhD, Alfred has started his role as a lecturer in Public Health where he continues to teach statistics and methods.

Areas of expertise

Cognitive neuroscience, focusing on attention and memory using electroencephalogram and transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques.

Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

  • Data Analysis and Interpretation


MPH Public Health dissertation supervision.


The main research interests of Alfred are: information prioritization in attention and memory and sensory processing. Especially how the self and emotion influence these processes. 

Alfred is especially interested the underlying neurological processes, and uses electroencephalogram (EEG) and transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques (TMS) to help identify the brain areas/networks involved in information processing.

Research grants and awards

  • Nigel Groome / Oxford Brookes University studentship
  • Oxford Brookes Research Excellence Award 

Current Research: ME/CFS project

Our senses are constantly being bombarded with information from our surroundings – the sights, sounds, sensations and smells around us, as well as the tastes in our mouths. The brain has to work hard to process all this information simultaneously, and filter out what’s irrelevant so we can concentrate on what’s important at any given moment. But this ability can be impaired in people with certain clinical conditions, leading to a disabling hypersensitivity to the stimuli around them. The resulting physical and mental overload can lead to poor coordination, dizziness, clumsiness, numbness, tingling and nausea, and may affect individuals’ ability to take in information and make decisions.

This project aims to further elucidate our understanding of the brain mechanisms that underlie the abnormal sensory experiences of people with ME/CFS, and also lead to the development of interventions to help manage these problems.



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