What is ORCID?

ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a non-profit organisation supported by a global community of member organisations in the research ecosystem. You can search for a researcher's ORCID and there is a list of current ORCID institutional members available. 

What is an ORCID Identifier?

ORCID provides you with a persistent digital identifier (a sixteen-digit number) that distinguishes you from every other researcher and allows you to bring together all of your research outputs and contributions. It also allows publishers, funders, and other organisations to confirm your identity and improve their workflows.

Your ORCID belongs to you and not to the organisation or institution that you work with. This allows you to continue using your iD throughout your research career, even if you change institutions, or if you change your name.

Use your unique iD, when prompted, in systems and platforms to ensure you get credit for your contributions. An ORCID will also help towards funding applications, with more research funders requesting an ORCID as part of the application process. 

Reasons to have an ORCID

How to create an ORCID account

Register for an ORCID. The process is simple and free to do. Add information about yourself and import the details of your publications, grants, datasets and more.

Once registered, you can use your unique ORCID in any outputs, allowing others to find the information connected with your account.

ORCIDs are designed to allow a stable link between all of your research activities. You have the option of whether to make any information that is connected with your ORCID public or private, but we would encourage you to make your affiliation with Oxford Brookes public.  

How to build and maintain your ORCID profile

Contact us

Contact the Scholarly Communications Team

ORCID's X/Twitter account