Other sources

Find out how to reference a range of other sources in your assignments:

5.1 How to reference films, TV & radio

Find out how to reference films, TV & radio programmes viewed on:

  • BoB (Box of Broadcasts) - an online collection of films, TV and radio programmes, available to Brookes staff and students.
  • Streaming services
  • DVDs
Man and woman in Edwardian dress in a film

Referencing a film - viewed on BoB, on a streaming service, on DVD


*What's new?* The new MHRA official guidance states that you do not need to cite the website of the streaming service used.

Note that the format remains the same for footnote and bibliography references, except that you omit the full stop at the end of the bibliography reference.

Start the reference with the film title, followed by the director, using the format 'dir. by', as in the examples.

For further tips and examples, see the MHRA Style Guide §7.8. Citing Music, Film, Television, and Software (in Chapter 7 'References')

Format and examples

Film viewed on BoB (Box of Broadcasts)

Footnote format: Film Title, dir. by Firstname Lastname, Channel Name, day month year, time of broadcast.

Footnote example: Pride and Prejudice, dir. by Joe Wright, ITV3, 29 April 2009, 21.00.


Film viewed on a streaming service or on DVD

This guidance covers films viewed on services such as Netflix, Amazon or BBC iPlayer.

Footnote format: Film Title, dir. by Firstname Lastname (Distributor, Year of release).

Footnote examples:

Netflix original film: The King, dir. by David Michôd (Netflix, 2019).

Film viewed on DVD: Pride and Prejudice, dir. by Joe Wright (Universal Pictures, 2006).


Referencing a TV or radio programme - viewed on BoB, on a streaming service


*What's new?* The new MHRA official guidance states that you do not need to cite the website of the streaming service used.

Note that the format remains the same for footnote and bibliography references, except that you omit the full stop at the end of the bibliography reference.


  • If you're referencing a single programme, put the title in italics.
  • If you're referencing an episode in a series, put the episode title in single quotation marks and the series title in italics, as shown in the examples.

Timestamp: In the footnote reference you may want to include a timestamp in the format minutes:seconds, which would perform the same function as a page number. You would not need to put this in the Bibliography reference.

For further tips and examples, see the MHRA Style Guide §7.8. Citing Music, Film, Television, and Software (in Chapter 7 'References').

Format and examples

Programme viewed on BoB (Box of Broadcasts)

Footnote format: ‘Episode Title’, Programme/Series Title, Channel Name, day month year, time of broadcast, timestamp minutes:seconds (if needed).

Footnote example: 'Snacking through Shakespeare', Shakespeare's Restless World, BBC Radio 4, 18 April 2012, 13.45.


Programme viewed on a streaming service

This guidance covers programmes viewed on services such as Netflix, Amazon or BBC iPlayer.

Footnote format: ‘Episode Title’, Programme/Series Title (Distributor, dates of series), series number, episode number (Year).

Footnote example: 'Gloriana', The Crown (Netflix, 2016-2023), season 1, episode 10, (2016).


5.2 How to reference online videos & podcasts

In this section you can find out how to reference:

Student listening to a podcast

Referencing a video viewed on YouTube


Note that the format remains the same for footnote and bibliography references, except that you reverse the first person's name and omit the full stop at the end of the bibliography reference.

Timestamp: In the footnote reference you may want to include a timestamp in the format minutes:seconds, which would perform the same function as a page number. You would not need to put this in the Bibliography reference.

Access details: You must include the URL and date accessed. Put the URL in angle brackets <URL> and the date accessed in square brackets [accessed day month year].

Format and examples

Footnote format: Firstname Lastname of person/name of organisation posting video, Video Title, YouTube, date of posting, timestamp minutes:seconds (if needed) <URL> [accessed day month year].

Footnote example: Waterstones, Hilary Mantel: The Waterstones Interview - Wolf Hall Trilogy, YouTube, 24 February 2020 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsZrYQ2Ud_c> [accessed 13 March 2020].


For the bibliography format, reverse the first person's name and omit the full stop.


Referencing a podcast


Note that the format remains the same for footnote and bibliography references, except that you reverse the first person's name and omit the full stop at the end of the bibliography reference.

Title: If you're referencing an episode in a podcast series, put the episode title in single quotation marks and the series title in italics.

Access details: Include the URL for the site where you accessed or downloaded the podcast and date accessed. Put the URL in angle brackets <URL> and the date accessed in square brackets [accessed day month year].

Format and examples

Footnote format: Firstname Lastname of person/name of organisation posting, 'Title of episode', Title of Series, podcast (i.e. medium), date of posting <URL> [accessed day month year].

Footnote example: Carrie Plitt and Octavia Bright, 'Short Stories with Arinze Ifeakandu', Literary Friction, podcast, September 2023 <https://open.spotify.com/episode/5ELL67IBKXqeRQ9tuHkpBr> [accessed 4 June 2024].


For the bibliography format, reverse the first person's name and omit the full stop.


5.3 How to reference lectures & performances

Referencing a live or recorded lecture


For the bibliography format, reverse the first speaker's name and omit the full stop.

If you're referencing a lecture or seminar that's part of a module, put the lecture title in single quotation marks and the module title in italics.

Recorded lecture

Timestamp: In the footnote reference you may want to include a timestamp in the format minutes:seconds, which would perform the same function as a page number. You would not need to put this in the Bibliography reference.

Access details:

If you are referencing a recorded Brookes lecture accessed through Moodle, you can use the URL of the Moodle course, or if there is a specific Panopto URL, you can use that.

Put the URL in angle brackets <URL> and the date accessed in square brackets [accessed day month year].

Format and examples

Live lecture (one-off event)

Footnote format: Firstname Lastname of speaker(s),Title of lecture, lecture (i.e. medium); Location/institution, Date.

Footnote example: Philip Pullman and Katherine Rundell, Daemon Voices, lecture, Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, UK, 22 February 2018.


Recorded lecture

Footnote format: Firstname Lastname of speaker(s), 'Title of Lecture', Title of Module, recorded lecture (i.e. medium), Location/institution, Date, timestamp minutes:seconds (if needed) <URL> [accessed day month year].

Footnote example: Andrea Macrae, ‘Introduction to World Literature’, ENGL4004 World Literature, recorded lecture, Oxford Brookes University, 21 September 2020, 19:30 <https://moodle.brookes.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=50006> [accessed 26 October 2020].


If the lecture or talk is freely available on the web, for example on YouTube, you can reference it like this:

Oxford Brookes Poetry Centre, ignitionpress launch: Eira Murphy, Eric Yip, Janine Bradbury, 7 May 2024 <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrboKC_uQuE> [accessed 4 June 2024]. 

Referencing a play in performance

When to use this format: Follow this guidance below if you're referencing a live performance of a play, or a video recording, for example on YouTube.

If you're referencing a play viewed through Digital Theatre+, see the separate section below.


Authors: Use the writer(s) of the play. For the bibliography format, reverse the author's name and omit the full stop.

Production details: Provide as many details as you have available - this may include theatre company, director, venue and date.

If you have viewed a recording of the performance online:

Timestamp: In the footnote reference you may want to include a timestamp in the format minutes:seconds, which would perform the same function as a page number. You would not need to put this in the Bibliography reference.

Access details: Put the URL in angle brackets <URL> and the date accessed in square brackets [accessed day month year].

Format and examples

Live performance 

Footnote format: Firstname Lastname of writer, Play Title, production details, Location, Date.

Footnote example: Tim Price, Nye, National Theatre, directed by Rufus Norris, Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff, 1 June 2024.


Video of a production found online e.g. YouTube

Footnote format: Firstname Lastname of writer, Play Title, production details, Location, Date <URL> [accessed day month year].

Footnote example: William Shakespeare, Macbeth: Part 1, Folger Theatre and Two River Theater Company, directed by Teller and Aaron Posner, Two River Theatre, Red Bank, New Jersey, 25 March 2020. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OU0cuGuPSk> [accessed 18 June 2024].

Referencing Digital Theatre+ resources


Digital Theatre+ provides some guidance on how to cite content from the database. This has been adapted here to fit the MHRA referencing style.


  • For plays, use the writer(s) of the play. Remember that in the bibliography format, you need to reverse the author's name and omit the full stop.
  • For other resources, use the named author or Digital Theatre+

Production details:

  • Provide as many details as you have available - this may include theatre company, director, venue and date.
  • Use the date the play or resource was produced, rather than the date it was published on the database.

Access details:

  • Put the URL in angle brackets <URL> and the date accessed in square brackets [accessed day month year].

Format and examples

Recording of a production on Digital Theatre+ 

Footnote format: Firstname Lastname of writer, Play Title, production details, Location, Date <URL> [accessed day month year].

Footnote example: Joan Littlewood and Theatre Workshop, Oh! What a Lovely War, Blackeyed Theatre, directed by Adrian McDougall, Wilde Theatre, Bracknell, 22 September 2011 <https://edu-digitaltheatreplus-com.oxfordbrookes.idm.oclc.org/content/productions/oh-what-a-lovely-war> [accessed 18 June 2024].


Other filmed resources on Digital Theatre+

Footnote format: Firstname Lastname, Title of Resource, Date <URL> [accessed day month year].

Footnote example: Digital Theatre+, Devising with Stan's Cafe: Time Critical Workshop, Stan's Cafe and Digital Theatre+, 19 April 2023 <https://edu-digitaltheatreplus-com.oxfordbrookes.idm.oclc.org/content/workshops/devising-with-stans-cafe-time-critical-workshop> [accessed day month year].


Written resources on Digital Theatre+

Footnote format: Firstname Lastname, Title of Resource, Date <URL> [accessed day month year].

Firstname Lastname, ‘Title of Web page’, Year <URL> [accessed day month year].

Digital Theatre+, A Concise Introduction to Postdramatic Theatre, 7 May 2021 <https://edu-digitaltheatreplus-com.oxfordbrookes.idm.oclc.org/content/guides/postdramatic-theatre> [accessed 18 June 2024].

5.4 How to reference photos & art works

Find out how to reference:

Person in an art gallery capturing a photo of an artwork

Referencing a photo found online


References to photographs found online should include the name of the photographer (if known), the title of the work in italics, its date (if known), the format (photograph) and the online location details.

Note that the format remains the same for footnote and bibliography references, except that you reverse the photographer's name and omit the full stop at the end of the bibliography reference.

Access details:

  • *New* You do not need to the name of the database through which you accessed the photograph, e.g. Bridgeman Education / JSTOR.
  • Include the URL and date accessed. Put the URL in angle brackets <URL> and the date accessed in square brackets [accessed day month year].

Format and examples

Footnote format: Firstname Lastname of photographer, Title of Photograph, Year, photograph (i.e. medium), location details <URL> [accessed day month year].

This is a photograph found on the image database Bridgeman Education:

Footnote example: Tristam Kenton, Kate Fleetwood (Medea) in 'Medea' by Euripides at Almeida Theatre. Directed by Rupert Goold, 2015, photograph <https://www-bridgemaneducation-com.oxfordbrookes.idm.oclc.org/en/asset/3814693/summary> [accessed 27 October 2022].

This is a photograph found on the RSC website:

Footnote example: Kwame Lestrade, Paterson Joseph, Cyril Niri and Theo Ogundipe in 'Julius Caesar' at the RSC, 2012, photograph, image no. 16 of 21 <https://www.rsc.org.uk/julius-caesar/past-productions/gregory-doran-production-2012/production-and-rehearsal-images> [accessed 27 October 2022].


For the bibliography format, reverse the photographer's name and omit the full stop.

Referencing a work of art


References to works of art should include at least the name of the artist (if known), the title of the work in italics, its date (if known), and the medium of composition. You may also include the dimensions (in cm) and its current physical location.

If you've consulted an online source, include the URL and date accessed. Put the URL in angle brackets <URL> and the date accessed in square brackets [accessed day month year].

For the bibliography format, reverse the artist's name and omit the full stop, as in the examples.

For further tips and examples, see the MHRA Style Guide §7.9. Citing Works of Art (in Chapter 7 'References')

Format and examples

Footnote format: Firstname Lastname of artist, Title of Art Work, Year, medium of composition, Current physical location

Footnote example: James Northcote, Othello, The Moor of Venice, 1826, oil on canvas, Manchester Art Gallery, UK.

If you've consulted an online source:

Footnote format: Firstname Lastname of artist, Title of Art Work, Year, medium of composition, Current physical location <URL> [accessed day month year].

Footnote example: Joseph Wright of Derby, An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump, 1768, oil on canvas, National Gallery, London, UK <https://www-jstor-org.oxfordbrookes.idm.oclc.org/stable/community.15657089> [accessed 4 June 2024].


Bibliography example: Northcote, James, Othello, The Moor of Venice, 1826, oil on canvas, Manchester Art Gallery, UK

Bibliography example: Wright of Derby, Joseph, An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump, 1768, oil on canvas, National Gallery, London, UK <https://www-jstor-org.oxfordbrookes.idm.oclc.org/stable/community.15657089> [accessed 4 June 2024]
