
NVivo is a powerful qualitative data analysis tool and is used across faculties and directorates by staff and student researchers.

NVivo Moodle Course

You'll find all NVivo resources at Oxford Brookes University in the NVivo Moodle course (opens new tab). This Moodle course is entirely voluntary and provides a support service for your academic work; there are no assignments and no assessments. Please self-enrol onto it. You will find resources on current versions of NVivo, including how to install it without charge and lots of support resources including training sessions.

One-to-one support

Project-specific support is available to staff and students who have taken or watched at least NVivo 1:Introduction workshop or have basic familiarity with NVivo. Please contact IT Training if you are interested.

Install on your own laptop

Oxford Brookes University has a site license for NVivo. It can be installed on staff or students' personal or Oxford Brookes laptops/computers without charge. 

Go to the NVivo course in Moodle (opens new tab) for instructions on installing NVivo at no charge (you will probably be prompted to log into Moodle). Alternatively, go to the IT Service Desk on your campus, or phone +44 (0) 1865 521125 for more information.