a) A record is a document in any format that facilitates the business carried out by the University and which is thereafter retained (for a set period) to provide evidence of its transactions, activities or intentions. A record can be in any format for instance a digital document, an e-mail conversation, a printed document or a video recording.
b) The University's records relate to any of its activities whether academic or administrative.
These records are the property of the University and are subject to its overall control and will be created, maintained, processed and disposed of in accordance with its policies, procedures and guidelines.
c) Records Management is defined as a field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposal of records, including processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records. (BS ISO 15489: 2001 Records Management.)
d) A small percentage of the University's records will be selected for permanent or long-term preservation as part of the University's Archives, for historical research and as an enduring record of the conduct of the University's functions and business.