
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences news

18 July 2024

Oxford Brookes shortlisted twice for prestigious higher education award

Two initiatives at Oxford Brookes University have been shortlisted for a University Alliance Award.

Some of the OxTrail oxen at Oxford Brookes University

15 July 2024

Oxford Brookes and community-based professionals support families with food and nutrition

Oxford Brookes University is spearheading new initiatives to support families with food and nutrition in response to the rising cost of living.

Two children eating

17 June 2024

WhoGetsMyVote: Innovative tool from Oxford Brookes academic to aid voter choices in General Election

Undecided voters in the upcoming General Election can receive some independent advice thanks to an online tool developed by an Oxford Brookes University academic.

WhoGetsMyVote website

08 April 2024

Sanctuary Art Project: Finding Home in Education

One of our Oxford Brookes students and MRN (Tamsin Barber and Zoe Jordan) contributed to a national collaborative Sanctuary art project, led by the University of East Anglia.

Sanctuary Art Project: Finding Home in Education

14 March 2024

Shade-grown coffee demonstrates the benefits of combining agriculture and conservation

Increasing shade cover over coffee plants can increase biodiversity and provide new ways to combine agriculture and conservation, a new study has revealed.

A coffee farm in Java

06 March 2024

Conservation value of field research stations is misunderstood, study reveals

Funding of field conservation research stations worldwide has been drastically reduced since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, an international study including researchers from Oxford Brookes University has found.

The Ampasy Research Station in the Tsitongambarika Protected Area, Southern Madagascar

06 February 2024

Fruit flies give clues to sexual selection-driven evolution

They may be tiny, but fruit flies have given scientists new insight into the genetic basis for rapid evolution of male external genitalia driven by sexual selection.

Drosophila melanogaster

09 January 2024

Wildlife expert and Oxford Brookes University professor receives OBE

An Oxford Brookes University professor whose research focuses on endangered animals in Asia and Africa has been recognised in the New Year Honours List.

Prof Anna Nekaris and a loris

12 October 2023

Ghosts and the supernatural: three Oxford Brookes University experts discuss their research

Why are we fascinated by the supernatural? Three Oxford Brookes University academics discuss what the concept of ghosts - real or a figment of our imaginations - tells us about history, psychology and our own relationship with grief, loss and mortality.

Professor Johannes Dillinger

11 October 2023

Course launched in partnership with Oxford Brookes to help girls tackle sexism

Oxford Brookes University academics have joined forces with award-winning social enterprise Sex Ed Matters, to create a free course designed to equip girls with the skills to tackle gender stereotypes.

Hannah Yelin and Michele Paule