Submission guidelines


National e-Journal of Undergraduate Research in Geography

  • All work must be original, fully referenced and previously unpublished.
  • Papers and resources should be in an editable format. We will accept articles in Microsoft Word format. PDFs are unacceptable for submission.
  • Appropriate permissions must be obtained to reproduce any copyrighted material or content. All figures and images used within the article that are not your own work, must have had copyright permission obtained, and/ or attributed to them. Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permission for reproducing anything (images, tables or graphs) that has previously been published, and for crediting the source and copyright in the captions accompanying the figures etc. Authors are also required to acknowledge these within the article.
  • Papers may be based on work submitted for assessment as part of a student's degree, but only after the assessment has been completed.

Further guidance concerning the accepted format and writing style for GEOverse articles, can be found below. Articles will be returned to the authors for revision if the points above have not been addressed. Omissions of information within articles will delay the reviewing process.

If you are considering a submission, but are not sure whether this would be suitable, please contact Helen Walkington ( for further advice. This email address should also be used for all submissions.

GEOverse submission guidelines for authors


GEOverse will accept original papers up to 5,000 words. These should be submitted by email to the Editor-in-Chief ( Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word or another compatible word-processor, saved as a Word document (.docx), and be structured as set out below:

Title and author details

The title of the paper, author name(s), academic affiliation(s) (when the original research was conducted), project supervisor (if appropriate) and a contact e-mail address (if appropriate) should appear at the top of the manuscript.

Abstract and keywords

An abstract is required, and should provide an interesting overview of the paper, in not more than 250 words.

Author(s) should also provide at least four keywords on a separate line for the purpose of indexing the article. Keywords will be used to aid in searches, and could include, the topic, location of study area, the methods used, and any other terms that would prove useful.


The article should be structured to include these headings: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.

Author profile

Authors should submit a brief author biography to set the research paper into a suitable context.


Only the first letter and proper names are capitalized. A maximum of three levels may be used:

This is a first-level heading

This is a second-level heading

This is a third level heading


Images should be of high quality digital (tiff or jpg files), resized for web suitability, and submitted separately wherever possible. All scale lines should be labelled km, m or mm as appropriate. Figure numbers, and sources should be noted on each figure. Captions must be typed in a separate section at the end of the main manuscript. Figures are numbered separately consecutively using Arabic numerals for both (Figure 4 etc.).


If Google maps have been used to create a map as part of your submission, all sources must be acknowledged and the Copyright attributed to Google maps. The examples at Google Maps show what is acceptable for publication, where the Copyright attribution text and Google logo must be visible within the map and cannot be obstructed or modified by any means.


Tables should be submitted as individual MS Word or Excel files separate from the main manuscript. Tables should be typed using few horizontal rules and no vertical rules. They are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals (Table 2, etc). Titles should be concise, but as informative as possible.


Measurements must all be given in SI metric system. In exceptional historical cases, English equivalents may be allowed. Numerals should be used in the text for all full units of measurement above 10. Words should be used for quantities of objects, persons, etc and or numbers from one to ten.


Authors must use the Harvard system, in which authors names (no initials) and dates are given in the main body of the text, with specific pages indicated if required (e.g. Walkington 2008: 41).

References are listed alphabetically at the end of the paper under the heading References, and set out as follows:


McEwen, L.J. 2006: Seasonality and generating conditions of floods on the River Tay: 1200 to present. Area 38 (1), 47-64.


Gurney S. D. 1994: Investigations of the geomorphology and sedimentology of permafrost related pingos and palsas; ancient and modern Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Reading, 370pp


Pepper, D. 1996: Modern Environmentalism – An Introduction, Routledge, London.

Chapter of book

Tickell, A. John, P and Musson, S 2002: The South East Region? In Tomaney, J and Mawson, J (eds.): England: the state of the regions, Bristol Policy Press

Web pages

Walkington, H. and Ommering, B. 2022: How does engaging in authentic research at undergraduate level contribute to student wellbeing? Studies in Higher Education [online] Accessed 09/06/2022. 

Other publications

Where there is doubt (e.g. occasional papers), include all bibliographical details.

The place of publication and publisher's name should always be given when books are referred to.

Other requirements

Contributors are expected to seek permission to reproduce copyright material before submission, and any acknowledgements should be clearly identified at the end of the article. Papers should be written in non-sexist, non-racist language.

Please note: These guidelines have been published by Oxford Brookes University.