Japanese by Research

MA by Research

School of Education, Humanities and Languages

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Key facts

Start dates

June 2025 / September 2025 / January 2026 / June 2026 / September 2026

Application deadline

It typically takes up to four months (five months for International and EU applicants) from application to enrollment on your programme. This is subject to all the necessary documentation being in place.



Course length

Full time: 1 year

Part time: 2 years


Staff in Japanese offer supervision across a range of subject areas. We pride ourselves on the quality of our research and the support that we give to our postgraduate students.

The study of Japanese takes place within the School of Education, Humanities and Languages. We are a vibrant and inclusive research community whose work is supported by a variety of research councils, charities and international agencies, among them the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the Leverhulme Trust and the Wellcome Trust.

All of our research students are members of the Faculty’s Doctoral Training Programme and the University’s Graduate College. You will be encouraged to become involved in our research activities and will have the opportunity to work alongside academics who are at the forefront of a number of world-leading research projects.

A street in Japan

Research expertise

Staff in Japanese have research expertise in a wide range of subjects related to Japan including:

  • Japanese Linguistics
  • Japanese Literature
  • Japanese Cinema
  • Manga and Anime
  • Modern Japanese History
  • Japanese Religion
  • The Anthropology of Japan
  • Multimodality

We strongly recommend that prior to submitting a full application you identify and make contact directly with a potential Director of Studies. Please look at our research group pages and individual staff profiles to help you identify the appropriate member of staff and to find out whether your proposed research focus is one that we can supervise.

We comprise an internationally recognised research centre and several research groups. All support the work of our research students in an environment that encourages collaboration, critical dialogue and intellectual creativity.

Institutes and Centres

Additional details

The MA by Research in Japanese Studies supports a unique and clearly focused programme of study. You will have the opportunity to develop a high level of subject knowledge, together with the ability to undertake independent research in your own particular area of interest.

The programme will be attractive to applicants seeking to pursue interests and develop skills beyond first degree level for personal or professional reasons. The MA by Research is also designed to prepare you to undertake further research at MPhil or PhD level.

Supported by a programme of research training, you will embark on a substantial piece of independent research guided by your supervisor during regular supervisory meetings. Having critically investigated and evaluated an approved topic, a thesis of up to 30,000 words will be presented for examination and this will include an oral examination where you will defend your thesis to the satisfaction of the examiners.

Japanese room

Why Oxford Brookes University?

  • Each MA by Research Student will be allocated £350 towards the costs associated with specific research activities during the research programme.
  • Close supervision from experts in your chosen research area, including joint supervision across departments for interdisciplinary projects. 
  • Plentiful opportunities to present your work. Depending on your chosen subject you may have the opportunity to attend:
    • research seminars with presentations from high profile external guest speakers
    • specialist seminars organised by individual research groups and clusters
    • methodology workshops.

After you graduate

Career prospects

We are passionate about fostering the careers of our researchers and ensure that they gain research skills training, leadership experience and teaching practice as part of the doctoral programmes we offer.

Bespoke careers advice is also embedded into our programme as we think this is a key element of your personal and professional development during your time with us.

How to apply

Entry requirements

The minimum entry requirement for the degree of MA, MSc and LLM by Research is a lower second-class UK honours degree or equivalent qualification.

If you choose to study full-time you must be able to devote a minimum of 35 hours per week over a 44-week year to your research. You should not undertake more than 20 hours per week paid employment or other commitments (including a maximum of six hours per week teaching, demonstrating, or other paid work directly related to your research training).

If you choose to study part-time you must be able to devote a minimum of 15 hours per week over a 44-week year to the programme of research.

You must also meet our residence requirements.

English language requirements

Applicants whose main language is not English must meet the Faculty’s English language requirements. The minimum IELTS score required for entry to the research degree programme is 6.5–7 overall. 

In addition, we require a minimum of 6.5 in each component of the test. We do not accept IELTS certificates that are over two years old. 

Application process

It is essential that you first check whether your specific research interests can be adequately supervised before submitting a full application. To do this please email the Research Administrator (hss-researchdegrees@brookes.ac.uk) your provisional research proposal. This should be 1500–2000 words in length and should include a title and a summary of the proposed subject area.

There is no specific format for research proposals but the following areas are usually covered:

  • introduction
  • evidence of background reading and knowledge/previous experience of research area
  • details of research methods proposed to carry out the project
  • the aims of the research project and any proposed hypotheses/outcomes
  • literature review
  • how your research project will make an original and independent contribution to knowledge.

If your area of research can potentially be supervised you will be encouraged to submit a full application via our online application system.

The Research Administrator will acknowledge receipt of your application by email. We strive to make a decision within one month of receiving your application. Please note, however, decisions may take longer during busier periods of the academic year.

Supporting documents

Please read through the list of supporting documentation that must be uploaded along with your application or emailed separately.

Tuition fees

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Tuition fees

2024 / 25
Home (UK) full time

Home (UK) part time

International full time

International part time

2025 / 26
Home (UK) full time

Home (UK) part time

International full time

International part time

Fees quoted are for the first year only. If you are studying a course that lasts longer than one year, your fees will increase each year.

For International fees the following factors will be taken into account by the University when it is setting the annual fees: inflationary measures such as the retail price indices, projected increases in University costs, changes in the level of funding received from Government sources, admissions statistics and access considerations including the availability of student support. 

Home fees are set by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and are released approximately five months before the start of each academic year.

If you have any questions about fees, get in touch with the Research Degrees Team at rdt-researchdegrees@brookes.ac.uk.

How and when to pay

Tuition fee instalments for the semester are due by the Monday of week 1 of each semester. Students are not liable for full fees for that semester if they leave before week 4. If the leaving date is after week 4, full fees for the semester are payable.

  • For information on payment methods please see our Make a Payment page.
  • For information about refunds please visit our Refund policy page

Funding your studies

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