Supervising Groups and Team Coaches (SGT)

About the programme

Supervising Groups and Team Coaches (SGT) is a programme designed to enhance your learning and development as a coaching supervisor. It responds to the growing demands of the coaching field to offer supervision to groups and team coaches by appropriately qualified coaching supervisors.

This is an advanced programme which builds on the previous qualifications in coaching supervision, e.g. Professional Certificate of Advanced Study in Coaching Supervision at Oxford Brookes University. 

The programme can be taken face-to-face in Oxford (3 days) or online (5 shorter days). It will start with one month's preparation period with a learning buddy and requires participants to have some experience of coaching a team.


Oxford Brookes University is proud to be a leading provider of coaching supervision training through our Coaching Supervision Programme.

Supervising Groups and Team Coaches (SGT) is a programme that aims to provide continuation and enhancement of previous learning.

How to apply

Please complete the application form. If you have any queries, please contact Emma Meats at

Contact us

OBBS Business and External Engagement

Phone +44 (0) 1865 534800 (OBBS Reception > Option 4 > Option 1)
