Professional Certificate of Advanced Study in Coaching Supervision

About the programme

The Professional Certificate of Advanced Study in Coaching Supervision is a unique programme offering:

  • a highly collaborative approach resulting in an exceptional quality of personal and professional learning
  • a flexible mode of delivery particularly attractive to overseas students
  • different options of assessments both in terms of timing and level.

It is designed for experienced coaches with an active coaching practice who already have a postgraduate qualification in Coaching, Psychology, Counselling or equivalent.

The aim of the programme is to provide highly experienced coaches with an opportunity to extend their competences and skills into the area of coaching supervision. 

EMCC Global Quality Award - ESQA has been conferred for the Professional Certificate of Advanced Study in Coaching Supervision.



Oxford Brookes University has been a leading provider of postgraduate education for coaching supervisors since 2006. We have built on the experience and research of our team in coaching supervision to offer a modular professional development pathway leading to:

  • Professional Certificate of Advanced Study in Coaching Supervision
  • Professional Recognition as an Oxford Brookes Supervisor.

The full programme consists of four progressive stages. Your supervision practice will build up through each stage and your work as a supervisor and where you stop is entirely up to you. At each stage you can decide whether to sign up for the next stage and your learning each stage is recognised by different levels of certification. 


“I can thoroughly recommend this course. I felt I was given lots of support and options to find my own way as a Supervisor. I was also struck by the depth of knowledge and passion for their subject shown by Tatiana and Peter. They bring together the theoretical and practical in a safe and generative way. I really enjoyed every minute.”

“This course creates a unique interaction between highly experienced coaching professionals and facilitators who stand out internationally for their expertise in coaching supervision. The result was great learning built around challenging ideas, meaty discussion, and lots of practice. I will encourage my colleagues to attend.”

Frequently asked questions

How to apply

If the course you are interested in is full, please fill out the application form below to be added to the waiting list. Any queries, please contact Emma Meats at

The programme is also offered in Italian by the Society for Coaching Psychology Italy in partnership with Oxford Brookes.

Contact us

OBBS Business and External Engagement

Phone +44 (0) 1865 534800 (OBBS Reception > Option 4 > Option 1)
