How will my research degree be assessed

This presentation demystifies what examiners are ultimately looking for when they assess your research degree.


A research degree is ultimately about you planning, carrying out, analysing and writing about your own, unique and independent piece of research and then defending it in an oral examination, a viva. However, there are structures, milestones and assessment points along the way that provide a framework to support you to successful and timely completion. This presentation demystifies what examiners are ultimately looking for when they assess your research degree, and describes the different phases and structures in the programme that contribute to your assessment – and ultimate success – along the way.

Produced by Professor Susan Brooks, Director of Researcher Development.


This on-demand, pre-recorded training can be downloaded anytime from the Graduate College Research Student Training page in Moodle. Please note that you will need to be logged in to your Moodle account to access these files.

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