Offboarding - what happens at the end of my research degree?

This session will give an overview of everything you need to know and do at the end of your degree.


In this session we consider different facets of what some research students have described as ‘offboarding’. That is, what happens right at the end of a research degree.

This includes an overview of the processes around submitting the thesis and the viva examination and beyond, to considerations about safe storage, archiving and sharing of research data and records when research students leave us, to the practicalities around potentially publishing from a thesis.

We also highlight things that students and supervisors should be aware of once the research degree is awarded, such as losing access to the Library, IT Services and Brookes email, and we emphasize the support available to research students from the Careers Service as they move on.

The session is directed principally at research students who are nearing completion, but will also be helpful to supervisors supporting their research students through the final phase of their research degree.

Presenter: Professor Susan Brooks, Director of Researcher Development


Online via Zoom. The link will be sent to all who register for this session.

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