How will my research degree be assessed?

What are your examiners going to be looking for when they assess your research degree?


A research degree is likely to be very different to anything that you may have done previously. Ultimately it is about you planning, carrying out, analysing and writing about your own, unique and independent piece of research, albeit supported by your supervisors, and then defending it in an oral examination, a viva. That can all sound rather intimidating, and many research students worry ‘am I good enough, and how will I know?'

In this session, we demystify what your examiners are ultimately going to be looking for when they assess your research degree, and the different phases and structures in the programme that contribute to your assessment – and ultimate success – along the way.

Presenter: Professor Susan Brooks, Director of Researcher Development


Online via Zoom. The link will be sent out to all who register for this session.

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