
The Oxford Centre for Academic Enhancement and Development (OCAED) has a long history as a scholarly academic and staff development unit. Across the years, it has been at the forefront of developing and sharing thinking about adult learning, higher education teaching and aspects of change management and organisational development.

Our ebooks are free. We also have other, free to use, online educational resources shared under creative commons copyright licensing. 

Citing and using our copyrighted materials

Our publications are widely used and cited by higher education writers. For copyright clearance, permissions to use published material and how to attribute works, contact:

  • Edward Cole (, Research and Business Development Office, Oxford Brookes University.

For example, the Gibbs' Reflective Cycle was first published by Graham Gibbs in 1988 Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods (Further Education Unit). Oxford Polytechnic: Oxford).

Gibbs' Reflective Cycle diagram

Online magazine

Teaching Insights is an innovative and free-to-read online magazine jointly developed by staff and students at the Oxford Centre for Academic Enhancement and Development (OCAED), Oxford Brookes University.

Contact us

Oxford Centre for Academic Enhancement and Development

Phone +44 (0)1865 535100
