This health and safety notice must be read and understood by all employees of Oxford Brookes University likely to be involved in work activities that bring them into contact with processes, products or substances that may have a damaging effect on their breathing. Where applicable, it should also be read by all members of the student body.
This policy is written to demonstrate that Oxford Brookes University has an effective health surveillance programme for any members of staff who are identified as being exposed to known hazardous substances during their work activities and early recognition of cases where previously unsuspected causative agents are being used.
Adequate health surveillance is a requirement under the Control of Substances Hazardous to health Regulations (COSHH) and Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (MHSW). Health surveillance involves monitoring staff by implementing systematic, regular and appropriate procedures to detect early signs of work-related ill health among those exposed to particular health risks.
The University recognises its responsibility to safeguard the safety health and welfare of its staff and students. This requires it to take all practicable measures to ensure that the conditions of work do not cause, exacerbate or contribute to damage to the lungs or via the lungs to damage of the internal organs of the body.