Up to date information about the benefits that each scheme provides, including how scheme members can keep track of the value of their pension, can be found on the scheme websites:
If you are a prospective or future employee with a query about the pension schemes offered at Brookes, please contact the People Directorate Operations Team.
Information about retirement for both employees and managers and our retirement policy can also be found on our retirement webpages.
Please refer to the ill-health retirement page for information about the process to be followed for employees who are unable to continue in their current role.
If you are an LGPS member, please see the Local Government Pension Scheme employer discretion's policy for details of how the university applies its discretionary powers.
If you have a query about the administration of your pension schemes e.g. joining or leaving the scheme, paying additional contributions, transferring in a previous pension, please contact the Payroll team.
If you are an employee or line manager with a query about pension options and flexibility or retirement that is not answered on our webpages, please contact your link People team.