Business Development - What's it all about?

University Research & KE training session.

Target audience:

This University Research & KE training session is open to all research-active staff and research students. It forms an optional session for staff registered on the First Three Years EXPLORE@Brookes programme.

Who this event is for: 

  • Research staff
  • Postgraduate research students.


In its simplest terms, business development is the creation of long-term value from an activity or initiative from its customers, audiences and relationships - 'developing' it in some way. This can include building new partnerships, looking at what others are doing in a similar area, and undertaking desk-based research of relevant reports and articles, as well as conducting face to face interviews. The outcome of business development activities is to devise a plan to boost reputation and generate income.


  • Access to short training video, 1 month in advance
  • 1 hour online live Q&A with expert panel.

Book the Workshop in the Staff Learning Portal

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How to attend

Book the Workshop in the Staff Learning Portal