Education to Employment

Principal Investigator(s): Professor Cathrine Brun, Dr Maha Shuayb


Project start: December 2018

Project finish: October 2021

Funded by: ESRC, GCRF, CLS

About us

The project works to cover a gap in knowledge by focusing on how young people move from education to employment in protracted displacement. With an interdisciplinary team of researchers and practitioners, we are examining how education opportunities and experiences of refugees affect and shape pathways into employment and unemployment. The key idea is to understand the role of displacement and the particular status and restrictions that come with this status. 

In this collaborative project, the overall question we seek to address is: In displacement settings, what shapes the trajectories of young people from education into employment? The project analyses the trajectories from education to employment of Palestinian and Syrian refugees and Lebanese and Jordanian nationals.

Lebanon and Jordan are like many countries where:

  • refugees cannot automatically work
  • work can only be accessed through a work permit
  • there is a high degree of separation between poorer groups of Syrians, Palestinians and Jordanians/Lebanese.

Hence, trajectories from education and into employment must be understood in complex interaction with political, economic and social development at local, national and global scales. 

Refugee boy walking alone

Research impact

Our work constructs narratives with young people. Films and artistic productions are at the heart of the work we do with our research participants to develop the insights related to young people’s trajectories. 


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Our partners

Al-Jana, the Arab Resource Centre for Popular Arts (ARCPA) works with communities that face marginalisation in Lebanon in building on their strengths, and documenting and disseminating their empowering experiences and cultural contributions. Stemming from its work in the arts, Al-Jana also produces learning and creative resources by and for children and youth.

Al-Jana, the Arab Resource Centre for Popular Arts (ARCPA) logo

Lil Madina: Lil Madina (in Arabic “for the city”) is a grassroots initiative bringing together researchers, professionals, activists and residents focusing on urbanism in the Saida region. Since 2013, they have launched several initiatives to develop and protect different aspects of their built and natural environment.

Lil Madina logo
