Principal Investigator(s): Professor Anne Laure Humbert


Project start: January 2020

Project finish: March 2022

Funded by: Horizon 2020

About us

Certification-Award Systems to Promote Gender Equality in Research (CASPER) is a Horizon 2020 project examining the feasibility of establishing a European award/certification system for gender equality for Research Performing Organisations. The project runs for two years from January 2020 to March 2022.

Based upon an extensive assessment of available systems and needs across Europe and beyond, we will develop and evaluate four possible scenarios that pave the ground for a realistic Europe-wide award/certification framework. Overall, we pursue three objectives:

  • To map and assess existing award and certification systems for gender equality (and related schemes) and to identify existing needs for such a system on the European level
  • Design award/certification scenarios and assess the feasibility of these scenarios
  • Prepare the ground for a successful roll-out of a European award/certification scheme

The Centre for Diversity Policy Research and Practice is leading Work Package 4, which focuses on assessing existing gender equality systems/models, which will inform the scenario development, the stakeholder assessment and validation processes for the European award/certification scheme. Oxford Brookes University is also responsible for the conceptualisation and scientific coordination of CASPER.

a group of women in front of a laptop

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 872113.