Centre for Environment and Society (CES)
Director(s): Professor Simon Underdown
Contact: sunderdown@brookes.ac.uk
About us
The Centre for Environment and Society is home to a wide range of innovating research. Based in the School of Social Sciences, it brings together expertise from a diverse range of disciplines. Bridging the divide between hard and social sciences, it operates at the cutting edge of modern interdisciplinary academia.
Related courses
- Anthropology (BA (Hons) / BSc (Hons))
- Anthropology (GradDip)
- Geography (BA (Hons) / BSc (Hons))
Research impact

The Centre for Environment and Society interacts with a wide range of international users from across the scientific, commercial and NGO sectors. Its members work closely with national and international bodies, government agencies, museums, the media, statutory bodies and community organisations. Our research covers the globe and the diversity of active projects ranges from deep time to the present day.

Professor Simon Underdown
Professor of Biological Anthropology