Nicholas Grosso

Thesis title: Blueprints: Investigating how principles of architecture and infrastructure inform the construction of publishers' identities in the digital age

Start year: 2021


Supervisor(s): Dr Miriam Johnson, Professor Angus Phillips

Nicholas Grosso

Research topic

Inspired by Ulises Carrión's visions of the art of bookmaking, "A book is a sequence of spaces . . . To make a book is to actualize its ideal space-time sequence by means of the creation of a parallel sequence of signs be it linguistic or other," my research will consider the parallel relationships of published content with the information landscape and architecture with the built environment. Given the ways literature continues to find new media to be articulated through and new ways to be produced across old media, this study of the material and symbolic forms of literary publishing will explore the theoretical and practical underpinnings of the contemporary information landscape.

Academic school / department

School of Arts