Matthew Minett

Business, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

I remember very vividly because it was an important decision in my life in general.
I wasn't enjoying my studies on my first choice course at Brookes. So I took a year out to work in retail in Oxford. And I decided I wanted to move on to a business course at Brookes, so I had to do a foundation year in business at Brookes because all my A-levels were all sciences. I passed the foundation and moved on to the business and management course and then moved on to this course at the end of my first year, which is an easy transition in the business school.

The last few years have given me a huge amount of self-confidence in my ability and knowledge. 
The module called The Entrepreneur showed me insight, and I guess, a more philosophical side. So it's not ‘here's how you run a company’. It's more about why you should do it in a certain way, how do you really want to run it? This course has helped me think for myself more, helping me build a stronger intellectual base. I've got to know quite a lot of the staff and tutors very well. Where a lot of them know me and I can stop and chat to them and so on. Support and advice is always near.

I'm still absolutely obsessed with motorsport and I want to end up working in motorsport.                                      Matthew on phoneThere’s extra stuff you can do outside of the business courses like the Spark award. We've made a little founders team and so we've started a business and we're going to keep working with the university’s Enterprise Support Center, even after I graduate! Also there's a 2nd year module, where students work with real businesses and give business consultancy to real businesses. So our business is going to be added to those. So amongst a bunch of established Oxford businesses, ours will be there for students, which is honestly just completely mind blowing.