Lord Yeboah

MSc International Business and Supply Chain Management

Having a work placement as part of the course significantly influenced my decision to apply. 
My reasons were the practical experience with hands-on experience in a real-world setting, allowing me to apply the theoretical knowledge I gained in the classroom. It gave me a chance to understand industry dynamics, workplace culture, and current trends, which is invaluable for my career development. Through the placement I was able to build professional networks with colleagues, which is beneficial for future job prospects. It helped me to develop technical and soft skills, such as problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. I would say many employers value graduates who have practical experience, making it easier to secure a job post-graduation. Also the placement helps you explore different roles within your field, helping you to make informed decisions about a potential career path. Overall, the inclusion of a work placement in the course, made the program more comprehensive and attractive to me.

Securing a placement often requires persistence and proactive effort. 
I started early, leveraging all available resources, and preparing to follow up on applications and networks extensively. I used most online platforms for my application. I came to the conclusion that most companies were not ready to take up post-graduate students for a placement year, so I decided to apply for full-time jobs and, when I went in for an interview I explained to them I had an extra year where I could work full-time as a placement year student and if they find me useful I could continue working for then on my postgraduate visa.

Use the services Oxford Brookes provides.
There is the placement office support which can help you identify a placement to go for. Also you’ll have the support of your academic staff, and there is a careers service at Brookes which can help you with applications and how to approach interviews. Being an international student in an unfamiliar country can also be a challenge at times, and Brookes has the well-being support that you can rely on.

Newmedica is a great place to work 
The relationship with my colleagues is love and respect for each other. Everyone is ready to help and assist you if you need to know or understand something. Great staff! My daily tasks include dealing with many emails, keeping an eye on the inventory and stock management, creating purchase orders for the right medications and surgical materials in their right quantity. I often communicate with suppliers, my line manager and the team, and importantly I coordinate with the theatre staff on faulty instruments from suppliers and filling out investigative forms to be able to get them to suppliers for replacement. I also work closely with the procurement team.

When I got the placement offer
It was the first time I was working in the medical field and with lots of medical names, training and procedures I had to be ready to learn as soon as I started. Knowing the names of each medication, how to store them, and making sure I was ordering the right surgical instrument in the right quantity and receiving it at the right time. I was also introduced to a new software for managing my inventory and creating my purchase orders. These were some of the challenges I faced initially and have overcome them with time and by the grace of God. As previously said, Newmedica is a great place to work in England, and the staff are nice and lovely. I have a great line manager and a great boss.