Kriss Watson


I was an undergrad at Oxford Brookes
So I knew a lot of the department members and how the university works and also I liked the resources that they had. It was a big thing for me to sign up for my masters, but in terms of the course specifically there are a wide range of modules available. Which is important for me, as I like to study various things, rather than focus on one thing in particular.

It's been really great
Better than my undergraduate. I think that's because of the small group of people on the course, there's ten of us full time. You get more one to one conversations with tutors on specific things you are working on as opposed to being a big group with one lecturer. I've actually got to know my lecturers a lot more, it enhances the working relationship with your tutors effectively, which is a really positive thing. So like for example my tutor Glen, I'll send him an email and he replies within about ten minutes and it's like crumbs, you know that’s so good. Glen is a great lecturer.

My favourite history that I focused on is postwar Britain                                                                                              Because it‘s from 1945 all the way through to Brexit. I really was interested in it, and it was great to study. The UK historically has never sort of quite seen itself as part of Europe, but it has tried to influence Europe at times, through funding for armies and diplomacy etc. With a sort of scepticism that's always been there, it's always been like we'll use our relationship with Europe for our own means, as opposed to being very much a part of the community. 

I am going to become a teacher                                                                                                                                           Kriss-on-campusIn between doing my masters and my undergrad, I trained as a teacher, initial stage training. Last week on Friday I was offered a teaching job that I applied for, and I’ve accepted the job offer, so I’ll start teaching in September, which is great news. I’ll be teaching at a secondary school, teaching history, early history and politics in a Princes Risborough school. I’ll start working in school from the 1st of July to get my foot in the door, and train up on the admin side of teaching which is quite a large part of teaching now. Some of the areas I studied on modules feature in the national curriculum for teaching history at secondary level.

I say to students on this course make full use of the library services as a postgrad student, and you also have access to the Bodleian library, which has some great resources for postgrad history students.