Joel Hare


“I successfully attained a Foundation degree in law at Ruskin College Oxford and went on to win the prestigious Helena Kennedy award. Whilst there, the modular programme continually commended itself on its distinct affinity with Oxford Brookes – a university that, I knew then, I would be delighted to attend”

My passion to pursue a career in the legal profession has irrefutably been influenced by my participation in the Oxford Brookes Undergraduate LLB Law programme.

Preceding my matriculation to Brookes, I successfully attained a Foundation degree in law at Ruskin College Oxford and went on to win the prestigious Helena Kennedy award. Whilst there, the modular programme continually commended itself on its distinct affinity with Oxford Brookes - a university that, I knew then, I would be delighted to attend.

Whilst preparing myself to embark on what promises to be a gruelling yet fulfilling Final year, I can assert with conviction that all expectations and recommendations have not just been met by Brookes but unquestionably surpassed. Oxford Brookes has imparted to me a truly unique and invaluable set of tools, enabling me to analyse, deduce and infer the pertinent information from the law, along with an ability to be concise yet cogent and compelling (aspiring Barristers listen in). Most importantly, I now have an unshakable conviction that I can and will secure a place within a global legal practice.

More generally, I have discovered Brookes to be an incredibly altruistic and extremely inclusive place to study. The lecturers and staff are unreservedly helpful and patient and harbour a true passion to resolve problems, ranging from developing an understanding of the rhetoric in substantive law to organising your timetable based on your individual needs.

Oxford, as a city, is vibrant, picturesque and steeped in quintessentially academic history and compliments Brookes perfectly. Its strong links with legal practices in Oxfordshire, the surrounding counties and, most importantly, London make Oxford Brookes an attractive option to anyone considering reading a degree in law.