Hamza Bataineh

MSc International Business Management and Digital Strategy

Thinking about when it all started
The first seed of my consulting journey was planted during a consultancy project. I gained invaluable hands-on experience in problem-solving, data analysis, and strategic planning. This initial exposure ignited my interest in consulting and sparked a desire to delve deeper into the field. 

I attended the business challenge week 
Engaging in real-world case studies and team-based projects, this honed my collaborative skills and sharpened my ability to think critically under pressure. It was during this immersive experience that I realized the transformative impact consulting could have on businesses. Finally the actual spark that happened in my Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) from OBBS and Symetrica Security team. That was the final catalyst that solidified my path in consulting. Working in partnership with industry experts, seeing how SMEs make decisions and operate, and doing the two KTP training at the Ashorne Hill management college (leadership and self effectiveness) acquired me with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle real-world challenges faced by businesses. 

Further, through the KTP role, I learned the importance of delivering tangible solutions and driving organizational change, laying the foundation for my future career in consultancy. Each of these experiences managed by OBBS and UKRI played a pivotal role in shaping my journey into consulting, from planting the initial seed of curiosity to nurturing it into a thriving passion. On a personal level, being on the Business School Dean's List during my MSc was a significant achievement for me. It not only reaffirmed my dedication to academic excellence but also served as a source of motivation. The academic staff believed in me and gave me testament to my commitment to excellence in everything I do. The recognition from being on the Dean's List has undoubtedly had a positive impact on my professional career, I always relate to that recognition as one big motive to success. 

I now run several digital transformation projects in London
Trading with the name HBD, which stands for Digital Business Development. I provide services from strategy to creativity, ensuring my clients’ businesses stand out. I craft engaging and user-friendly websites that keep their audience captivated and connected. Through strategic content and audience targeting, I drive meaningful engagement and organic growth on social media platforms. Amplifying reach and generating leads with precision-targeted advertising campaigns across platforms is my forte. I optimize sales processes and boost revenue through personalized engagement and data-driven insights. Additionally, I create visually appealing assets that elevate brand identity and leave a lasting impression. Establishing credibility and influence through thought leadership content and strategic positioning is another aspect of my service. Finally, I provide actionable insights and strategic recommendations based on comprehensive research and analysis. In essence, I'm doing this work to ensure my clients’ business thrives in every aspect, from online presence to engagement and overall success.

I strongly encourage prospective graduates to consider finding what they are passionate about and start their own business
It's important to understand that the journey can be challenging. When starting a business, rejection is normal, especially in the beginning when reaching out to potential clients. It takes discipline and resilience to embark on this path. Starting a business often involves unexpected experiences, a lot of failures and plenty of learning, but it's a journey of self-discovery. Building a business around something you're passionate about is the key. Your passion will fuel your commitment and determination, which are vital for success. I believe that your environment plays a crucial role as well. If you're not happy where you are, don't hesitate to make a change. Challenges along the way should be seen as opportunities for growth. Having a resilient mindset is essential for overcoming obstacles in entrepreneurship and if I want to conclude my Oxford Brookes experience; it made me a resilient professional that is striving to grow.