Farhad Salek
Thesis title: Thermo-economic modelling and optimization of the second life battery energy storage system for building applications
Start year: 2021
Contact: 19177628@brookes.ac.uk
Supervisor(s): Dr Paul Henshall, Professor Denise Morrey, Dr Shahaboddin Resalati

Research topic
Farhad has finished his bachelor and master's degree in automotive and energy engineering. His investigations have been focused on sustainable energy systems, renewable alternative fuels for transportation, hybridization and electrification of vehicles.
For his PhD program, Farhad is working on energy modelling, techno-economic, environmental analysis and optimization of the second life lithium-ion batteries which are disposed from electric vehicles and will be used in energy storage systems for building application. Furthermore, he is working with architecture engineering research group and high voltage energy storage group (HVES) during his PhD for developing the mathematical model and lab testing of the second life lithium-ion batteries.
Centres and institutes
Academic school / department