Ellie Barfield

Opportunities through Brookes Sport has played a pivotal role in Ellie's professional and personal development.

Ellie, who recently completed her Law degree with First Class Honours at Oxford Brookes, discovered a new direction at Brookes Sport.

With no prior fitness experience, Brookes Sport provided the support and opportunities Ellie needed to excel professionally and personally, successfully balancing her studies and fitness career.

We recently caught up with Ellie who is planning to continue working at Brookes Sport as she begins studying the bar.

Ellie working out in a gym

My name is Ellie Barfield, and I recently completed my Law degree at Brookes. During my second year, I began working at Brookes Sport as a receptionist. This role opened up incredible opportunities for me, including the chance to earn my Level 2 Personal Training qualification over the summer. I quickly started running my own fitness classes, which became quite popular. This success led to more classes, all while balancing my studies and reception duties.

Soon after, I was promoted to Duty Manager. Throughout my journey, Brookes Sport has continually supported and challenged me, now encouraging me to work towards my Level 3 Personal Training qualification.

Fitness has always been a significant part of my life. It often surprises people when they learn that I studied Law but am pursuing a career in the fitness industry. My passion for fitness made working at Brookes Sport an ideal fit. They have always been accommodating, ensuring my studies came first and helping me prioritise my academic journey.

Before Brookes, I had no professional experience in fitness. The team took a chance on me and pushed me to achieve my best, both professionally and personally. Brookes Sport allowed me to complete my Level 2 and Level 3 Personal Training qualifications, as well as a Level 3 First Aid certification.

I've learned the importance of perseverance at Brookes Sport. They've supported me through tough times, helping me become the best version of myself. I've also mastered time management and organisational skills, thanks to their guidance.

Excellence at Brookes requires a constant willingness to learn. While I could have remained a part-time receptionist, I chose to push myself to excel in both my job and my studies. I highly recommend working at Brookes Sport to anyone, regardless of their career goals. The diverse skills and experiences of the team offer invaluable learning opportunities for everyone.

Brookes Sport has not only allowed me to pursue my hobbies and personal goals but has also given me the confidence and skills to explore a career I might not have considered otherwise. For that, I am incredibly grateful.

Ellie exercising with ball on playing field

Through Brookes Applied, we are keen to support our students to help them prepare for life beyond university. If working in our fitness team alongside your studies interests you, please reach out to Richard, our Fitness and Wellness Services Manager to arrange an informal interview (rormiston-rees@brookes.ac.uk).