Charlotte Masclet

BSc Psychology

So all the facilities that you've got there 
At Oxford Brookes, the library and even just the lights that you've got within the building are amazing. So it's little detail, but a huge difference compared to the other universities. And so that's why I applied for this course. And then also the fact that in the first year you're doing a lot of small group study projects and everything, so it's quite nice when you're starting in a new place to be able to have this support with all the students and to get to know your lecturers a bit better in that sense.

I used to work long hours in the hospitality industry 
So it was easy to organise myself because of working long hours. With your studies I say devote a few hours to this or that. Then the fact that you're planning this stuff in advance is much easier to keep up with the workloads. But I would say what I found challenging sometimes is, especially for a semester, that you've got most of your deadlines at the same time. And learning from this, it was easier then again last semester, then the third year because all of the assignments were like, you know what counts and everything. It was quite stressful and a lot of work to do. But again, it's just breaking down everything into small tasks that's easy to achieve.

Last year I did one of my semesters in Canada
It was good to be able to meet all the students to see the different ways of teaching as well. Where I was, they don't really focus on the same skills that we focus on here in the UK. There are more exams and you have to learn everything by heart rather than as in the UK of using your critical thinking, being able to analyse documents, and summarise it. I'm realising more and more that I'm glad that I chose to go to the UK to study for my degree because I think those skills are much more important for the rest of my life.

I've been volunteering at the baby lab
I’ve done that since the first year. I was doing that every Wednesday and this is such a great opportunity as well because Charlotte on her laptop on campus you get to know the lecturer and the PhD students a bit more. Then it's like working on some study with them. Welcoming the participants at the lab and everything is what we see and learn about during the lecture. We see the methodology, but we never really practise it. So being able to do that at the Baby Lab was such a great success for applying learned theory to situations.

When I applied for this degree 
I wanted to do something like therapy as a psychologist. But I realised that I really enjoyed my research module. And so I’ve applied for a PhD here, so I will be still at the same university. So I can focus on focusing on a particular area or psychology, so it would be developmental psychology, with the focus on how young infants learn languages and then the difference between monolingual and bilinguals.